result count: 5

Sys427444_nameCommand of the Veiled Encampment
Sys427444_szquest_accept_detailMultiple examinations have allowed us to confirm that the [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League] in the [ZONE_SHADE_CAMP|Shadow Camp] in the [ZONE_TUSKE_JUNGLE|Tasuqian Boscage] were responsible for the <CY>studies on the creatures and the spatial transposition</CY>. [105926|Officer Abley] has by some means managed to gain control over a considerable number of the jungle creatures so that our forces have no way of getting close to her or to take her into custody.\n\nBut we can't just sit back and do nothing. If we did, the [ZONE_FORT_CRUX|Gray Citadel] would be in danger next. To prevent the jungle creatures from jeopardizing the security of the [ZONE_FORT_CRUX|Gray Citadel], I ask you to go to the [ZONE_SHADE_CAMP|Shadow Camp] and destroy [105926|Officer Abley] in the name of the [HAND_OF_BALANCE|Hand of Balance].
Sys427444_szquest_complete_detailNow the [ZONE_FORT_CRUX|Gray Citadel] will no longer have to worry about the risk posed by those jungle creatures. Now we can only hope that the [WISDOM_EYE|Eye of Wisdom] can find a way of calming these creatures. But for the moment we can breathe easy.\n\nThank you for your help. I am glad to have you on our side.
Sys427444_szquest_descHelp [124198|Jesen Dublo] and destroy [105926|Officer Abley] in the [ZONE_SHADE_CAMP|Shadow Camp] in the name of the [HAND_OF_BALANCE|Hand of Balance].
Sys427444_szquest_uncomplete_detailEven our best hunters were beaten when faced with so many unpredictable animals. Eliminate this threat.