result count: 4

Sys427462_nameBack to the Citadel Outpost
Sys427462_szquest_accept_detailBefore we take care of the next altar, I need to return to the [ZONE_LOWLAND_CORE|Citadel Outpost] to give [124378|Arlya] the [243443|Incantograph] from the [ZONE_SEAWAY_ALTAR|Altar of the Dying Sea] so that she can perform a cross-analysis before making further plans.\n\nYou should return as fast as possible in order to be of assistance to the [HAND_OF_BALANCE|Hand of Balance] in their next mission.
Sys427462_szquest_complete_detailI already gave [124378|Arlya] the [243443|Incantograph]. She started analyzing the data right away. She discussed it with [124381|Kerley Hill] and they really did discover a couple of interesting clues.
Sys427462_szquest_descYou should return to the [ZONE_LOWLAND_CORE|Citadel Outpost] in order to be of assistance to the [HAND_OF_BALANCE|Hand of Balance] in their next mission.