result count: 6

Sys427477_nameThe Leader of the Cyclopes
Sys427477_szquest_accept_detailFirst we should attend to the [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League]'s new allies in order to reduce their fighting power.\n\nThe first priority are those power-hungry Cyclopes. They only support the circle because they're drawn to a powerful dark power. They shouldn't really be a problem for us. We just have to show them the mighty power they're hoping for. Then they might have an epiphany and withdraw.\n\nMy plan is to send our fighters out so that they minimize the number of Cyclopes and weaken their defenses. As soon as that's accomplished, you can deliver the decisive blow and defeat their current leader, [109377|Cador], and find out where their ruler, Zeyj the Demon Eye, has disappeared to.
Sys427477_szquest_complete_detailYou did well. We don't have a hundred percent guarantee that the death of [109377|Cador] will also cause the Cyclopes to retreat. But based on the instructions in this letter, [100039|Zeyj] cannot return without endangering his mission. That means that the Cyclopes from [ZONE_EYE_OF_THE_TEMPEST|Eye of Frost] will be leaderless for the time being. They won't present a significant danger to the [HAND_OF_BALANCE|Hand of Balance].\n\nThat means that the Minotaurs are next ...
Sys427477_szquest_descGo to the [ZONE_EYE_OF_THE_TEMPEST|Eye of Frost] and defeat [109377|Cador], the leader of the Cyclopes. Find out where Zeyj the Demon Eye is. Then return and report to [124389|Aydan Highlander].
Sys427477_szquest_uncomplete_detailMy plan is to send our fighters out to minimize the number of Cyclopes and weaken their defenses. As soon as that's accomplished, you can deliver the decisive blow and defeat their current leader, [109377|Cador], and find out where their ruler Zeyj the Demon Eye has disappeared to.
Z35_QUEST427477_BOSSYELLYou dare to take my son from me! You'll pay for that with your life!