result count: 5

Sys427504_nameCorrupted Cyclopes
Sys427504_szquest_accept_detailAfter the cyclopes started working together with the [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League], they became corrupted by the dark magic to increase their strength. Some cyclopes became even more powerful, and their bodily organs have developed in a weird and wonderful way.\n\nI'd like to investigate the corrupting effect this dark magic has on living creatures. That's why I'd much appreciate it if you could bring me a few [<S>243461|Cyclops Hearts]... purely for research purposes.
Sys427504_szquest_complete_detailStill slippery and covered in blood, but these hearts are good and fresh!\n\nIt's a good job we're here in this [ZONE_HYBORA HIGHLANDS|Ystra Highlands] environment. Things don't rot quite as fast in these low temperatures, even if they're subject to some corrupting process.\n\nDo you understand what I'm talking about? Corruption and decomposition are two very different processes.
Sys427504_szquest_descGo to the [ZONE_EYE_OF_THE_TEMPEST|Eye of Frost] and get some [<S>243461|Cyclops Hearts] for [124359|Belleya Basati] to conduct her investigations on.
Sys427504_szquest_uncomplete_detailI'd like to investigate the corrupting effect this dark magic has on living creatures. That's why I'd much appreciate it if you could bring me a few [<S>243461|Cyclops Hearts]... purely for research purposes.