result count: 5

Sys427511_nameThe Snow Fortress Altar
Sys427511_szquest_accept_detailDeep inside the [ZONE_THE_PEAK|Snow Fortress] stands the Altar of the Frigid Wastelands. Even though the minotaurs refuse to subject themselves to the corrupting process, [100035|Cibel] has secretly cast a spell on this altar which exudes the energy of corruption.\n\nI would like you to go and use the [243465|Incantograph] on the Altar of the Frigid Wastelands, copying and modifying the spell, and reducing the amount of corrupting energy the minotaurs are exposed to.
Sys427511_szquest_complete_detailVery good! That'll vastly reduce the amount of corrupting energy emanating from the altar.\n\nThere's not much we can do for the minotaurs. They'll have to free themselves from the danger of corruption of their own strength and volition.
Sys427511_szquest_descGo to the [ZONE_THE_PEAK|Snow Fortress] and use the [243465|Incantograph] to copy and modify the magic spell on the Altar of Frigid Wastelands, reducing the influence of the corrupting energy on the minotaurs. Once you've done this, report back to [124366|Orlanna Barrule].
Sys427511_szquest_uncomplete_detailPlease use the [243465|Incantograph] on the Altar of the Frigid Wastelands to copy and modify the spell, reducing the amount of corrupting energy the minotaurs are exposed to.