result count: 5

Sys427546_nameThe Magic Detectors
Sys427546_szquest_accept_detailEven while we were building the [ZONE_NEBULA_CAMP|Nebula Woods Camp], I sent out scouts from the [HAND_OF_BALANCE|Hand of Balance] on their initial explorations of the immediate area. I also set up a few [243476|Magic Detectors] in the neighboring [ZONE_VEILED_VALLEY|Murky Valley].\n\nThe scouts warned me that there were hostile creatures surrounding the camp, so I wanted to ask you if you could bring back those detectors. Once we've carried out some analysis, I'll be able to tell you what spatial transfer is like on [ZONE_ENOH_ISLAND|Enoch].
Sys427546_szquest_complete_detailExcellent! With these data we can find out what spatial transfer is like on [ZONE_ENOH_ISLAND|Enoch]. I will ask that these data are analyzed as quickly as possible.
Sys427546_szquest_descBring back the [124398|Magic Detectors] that [243476|Kerley Hill] set up in the [ZONE_VEILED_VALLEY|Murky Valley].
Sys427546_szquest_uncomplete_detailThere are hostile creatures surrounding the camp, so I wanted to ask you if you could bring back those [243476|Magic Detectors]. Once we've carried out some analysis, I'll be able to tell you what spatial transfer is like on [ZONE_ENOH_ISLAND|Enoch].