result count: 4

Sys427547_nameHelp for Arlya
Sys427547_szquest_accept_detail[124466|Arlya] has now also reached the [ZONE_NEBULA_CAMP|Nebula Woods Camp]. She thinks she could use some help with the analysis of the spatial magic. Could you do that for me?\n\nIt's just that the scouts from [HAND_OF_BALANCE|Hand of Balance] in the [ZONE_NORTH_NEBULA_WOODS|Northern Nebula Woods] on the west side of [ZONE_ENOH_ISLAND|Enoch] have made an important discovery, and I need to go to them immediately.\n\nOh yeah, and don't worry. I'll take Northin, our minotaur friend, with me. It's pretty dangerous out there, but Northin will ensure my safety, I'm sure.
Sys427547_szquest_complete_detailAh, look! The honorable hero. So we meet again! Very nice.\n\nWith your help, the mission's sure to go smoothly.
Sys427547_szquest_descGo to [124466|Arlya], who's just arrived at the [ZONE_NEBULA_CAMP|Nebula Woods Camp], and ask how you can help her.