result count: 5

Sys427562_nameReversing the Corrupting Magic Pushing Device
Sys427562_szquest_accept_detailI have discovered that the [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League] has installed a few [124449|Corrupting Magic Pushing Devices] in the [ZONE_QUIETSTAR_SANCTUARY|Blackstar Sanctuary].\n\nIt would be good if you could reverse the [124449|Corrupting Magic Pushing Devices] and then bring me the [243482|Corrupting Matter] contained inside them. The [WISDOM_EYE|Eye of Wisdom] will then be able to examine it more closely and in this way find out even more about the corrupting magic.
Sys427562_szquest_complete_detailThank you. The [243482|Corrupting Matter] needs to be tightly sealed as we don't want the corrupting magic to escape and to damage any nearby instruments, because if the measurement results aren't right, how are going to find the truth then?
Sys427562_szquest_descSee to the reversal of the [124449|Corrupting Magic Pushing Devices] in the [ZONE_QUIETSTAR_SANCTUARY|Blackstar Sanctuary] and then bring [124483|Kerley Hill] the [243482|Corrupting Matter] they contain.
Sys427562_szquest_uncomplete_detailIt would be good if you could reverse the [124449|Corrupting Magic Pushing Devices] and then bring me the [243482|Corrupting Matter] contained inside them. The [WISDOM_EYE|Eye of Wisdom] will then be able to examine it more closely and in this way find out even more about the corrupting magic.