result count: 5

Sys427569_nameLiberating the Angren
Sys427569_szquest_accept_detail[124488|Kerley Hill] has distributed several odor neutralizers near the [ZONE_MOONCLAW_SHRINE|Moonclaw Sanctuary] to deceive Angren's excellent sense of smell. This should make it possible to get past [109478|Kurda] and advance on the [ZONE_MOONCLAW_SHRINE|Sanctuary] to free the prisoners. Then use the [243486|Transport Runes] from [124489|Arlya] to transport them to the [ZONE_SOUTHTREE_STATION|Southtree Station]. In the meantime, I'll cause a bit of trouble in the surrounding area with the Combat Unit of the [HAND_OF_BALANCE|Hand of Balance] to confuse them.\n\nStick to this plan as best you can. The odor neutralizer won't last forever, so you should hurry and free the [124452|Captive Angren].
Sys427569_szquest_complete_detailExcellent work, honorable hero!\n\nThe Angren prisoners arrived one after the other at the [ZONE_SOUTHTREE_STATION|Southtree Station]. The [WISDOM_EYE|Eye of Wisdom] will now examine their physical condition. They were exposed to the corrupting magic to a greater or lesser extent after all.
Sys427569_szquest_descFree the [124452|Captive Angren] from the [ZONE_MOONCLAW_SHRINE|Moonclaw Sanctuary] and transport them to the [ZONE_SOUTHTREE_STATION|Southtree Station] using the [243486|Transport Runes].
Sys427569_szquest_uncomplete_detailStick to the plan as best you can. The odor neutralizer won't last forever, so you should hurry and free the [124452|Captive Angren].