result count: 10

Sys427571_nameEliminating Kadnis the Sower
Sys427571_szquest_accept_detail[109479|Kadnis] the Sower is indeed located in the [ZONE_MOONCLAW_SHRINE|Moonclaw Sanctuary]. It's really grinding her gears that the number of prisoners is falling.\n\nWe no longer have to be afraid of the consequences, so we'd like to ask you to eliminate [109479|Kadnis] and then use the [243488|Incantograph] to transcribe the [124455|Holy Crystal] of the [ZONE_MOONCLAW_SHRINE|Moonclaw Sanctuary]. For the time being, I will return to the [ZONE_SOUTHTREE_STATION|Southtree Station] to make precautions for a retaliatory strike by the [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League]. We'll meet up again there.
Sys427571_szquest_complete_detailI wouldn't have thought that the [109479|Kadnis] the Sower in the [ZONE_MOONCLAW_SHRINE|Moonclaw Sanctuary] was just a doppelganger she had bred.\n\nFortunately, Ansari saw through [109479|Kadnis'] tricky in time. She told me this about Anka.
Sys427571_szquest_descDefeat [109479|Kadnis] the Sower and then use the [243488|Incantograph] on the [124455|Holy Crystal] in the [ZONE_MOONCLAW_SHRINE|Moonclaw Sanctuary] to transcribe it. Then return to the [ZONE_SOUTHTREE_STATION|Southtree Station] to meet with [124491|Aydan Highlander].
Sys427571_szquest_uncomplete_detailPlease eliminate [109479|Kadnis] the Sower and then use the [243488|Incantograph] on the [124455|Holy Crystal] in the [ZONE_MOONCLAW_SHRINE|Moonclaw Sanctuary] to transcribe it. For the time being, I will return to the [ZONE_SOUTHTREE_STATION|Southtree Station] to make precautions for a retaliatory strike by the [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League]. We'll meet up again there.
Z36_QUEST427571_01([109479|Kadnis'] voice can be heard on the air.)
Z36_QUEST427571_02Do not celebrate too soon! The one you defeated was just one of the doppelgangers I bred!
Z36_QUEST427571_03Tell [124472|Ansari] that the Angren Leonine and the Jyr'na Elves will still become my slaves sooner or later.
Z36_QUEST427571_04The seed of total decay has already been sown. Now all that remains to be done is the germination ceremony in the [ZONE_SOLARMUSE_ALTAR|Sun Temple of Eternal Sleep]...
Z36_QUEST427571_05Anyone who resists will perish is a huge forest of darkness, along with the [HAND_OF_BALANCE|Hand of Balance].