result count: 4

Sys427578_nameThe New Transport Portal
Sys427578_szquest_accept_detailEven if Cibel was successful in carrying out her secret plan, the [HAND_OF_BALANCE|Hand of Balance] has gained something from the situation.\n\n[124496|Arlya] thinks she was able to record the magic fluctuation from Cibel's transport spell. She has already set out for the [ZONE_FORT_CRUX|Gray Citadel] to set up the transport portal to the next island. Kerley Hill has also agreed to hurry on ahead and set up the base camp. Please return to the [ZONE_FORT_CRUX|Gray Citadel] to help them.
Sys427578_szquest_complete_detailHaha, I bet Cibel wasn't counting on that!\n\nWhen she cast her transport spell, I was just close enough to record the magic fluctuations of the transport spell with my instruments, so it was easy for me to set up the transport portal to the next island.\n\nAs Kadnis the Sower's soul was not split, we were able to lift the vitality spell that prevents the transport spell on the island immediately after her death. Now we just have to wait until the portal has been charged with enough magical energy and then you'll be able to use the new transportation portal to set out for the next island, [ZONE_VORT_ISLAND|Vortis].
Sys427578_szquest_descReturn to the [ZONE_FORT_CRUX|Gray Citadel] on [ZONE_Z34_TASUQ_ISLAND|Tasuq] and help [124496|Arlya] and Kerley Hill o set up the new transport portal.