result count: 5

Sys427641_nameA Solution to the Water Problem
Sys427641_szquest_accept_detailAccording to the scouts' reports, the target for the [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League's] spatial transfer on [ZONE_VORT_ISLAND|Vortis] is [ZONE_LYMOR_DESERT|Limo Desert] on [ZONE_SAVILLEPLAINS|Zandorya]. The vast majority of this island has already become a desert. So, the water shortage will probably be our biggest worry in our battle here on the island.\n\nWe felt the danger posed to us by this water shortage immediately after setting up the [ZONE_CHIMEVEER_CAMP|Halfmoon Camp]. Could you scout the area for me and find a solution to our water problem?
Sys427641_szquest_complete_detailAh, great work!\n\nThe situation is very serious... According to the scouts' reports, the [ZONE_BLIZZARD_DUNE|Storm Dunes] are infested with a large number of Earth Elementals. It's probably them who have destroyed the main source of water.
Sys427641_szquest_descGo and explore the area around the [ZONE_CHIMEVEER_CAMP|Halfmoon Camp]. Maybe there's a way to resolve this water problem. Then report back to [124497|Kerley Hill].
Sys427641_szquest_uncomplete_detailWe felt the danger posed to us by this water shortage immediately after setting up the [ZONE_CHIMEVEER_CAMP|Halfmoon Camp]. Could you scout the area for me and find a solution to our water problem?