result count: 11

Sys427668_nameKerley Hill's Conclusions
Sys427668_szquest_accept_detailIt would seem that [109189|Minas] the Soul Corrupter has the ability to extract his victims' soul force and use it for himself. He has hoarded the soul force he's already collected on [ZONE_VORT_ISLAND|Vortis] in the [ZONE_SOULLESS_REALM|Necropolis].\n\nThe overabundance of soul force has already taken on an amazing state, which can be described as a transitional form between energy and organism. These kinds of soul corpora have no consciousness and are flying around everywhere.\n\nI want to find out how the soul force is being transformed into soul corpora. Could you catch me a few [243535|Nonsentient Soul Corpora] using the [243513|Soulcatcher]?
Sys427668_szquest_complete_detailExcellent! Thank you for your help.\n\nHow good it is that these soul corpora have no consciousness. If they suddenly started talking to me, I wouldn't have a clue what to say.
Sys427668_szquest_descUse the [243513|Soulcatcher] to catch a few [243535|Nonsentient Soul Corpora] so that [124528|Kerley Hill] can find out how the soul force is transformed into soul corpora.
Sys427668_szquest_uncomplete_detailI want to find out how the soul force is being transformed into soul corpora. Could you catch me a few [243535|Nonsentient Soul Corpora] using the [243513|Soulcatcher]?
Z37_QUEST427668_01You already have enough [109664|Nonsentient Soul Corpora].
Z37_QUEST427668_02You have caught a [109664|Nonsentient Soul Corpus] in your net.
Z37_QUEST427668_03The [109664|Nonsentient Soul Corpus] escaped.
Z37_QUEST427668_04Hunting for Soul Corpora...
Z37_QUEST427668_05You need to fight the [109664|Nonsentient Soul Corpus] before you can catch it.
Z37_QUEST427668_06What you've caught isn't a [109664|Nonsentient Soul Corpus].