result count: 5

Sys427745_nameThe Seed of Corruption
Sys427745_szquest_accept_detailOur scouts have done an excellent job. After infiltrating the control point, they discovered a creature taking the form of [109752|Kadnis] the Sower. We now believe that the carnivorous plants around here must have been created under Kadnis' influence.\n\nIt's pretty fair to assume that this manifestation of [109752|Kadnis] is likewise a clone of sorts. I'd like you to put the Sower to seed and allow us to make it across the control point.
Sys427745_szquest_complete_detailDamn! I wasn't able to stop him.\n\nOnce [124582|Aydan Highlander] heard that you were on the way to defeat the Sower, he swallowed down my antidote and rushed off to the next area, protest as I might...
Sys427745_szquest_descDefeat [109752|Kadnis] the Sower to liberate the control point in the [ZONE_ASHWOOD_THICKET|Ashwood Forest] and report back to [124583|Kerley Hill].
Sys427745_szquest_uncomplete_detailThis [109752|Kadnis] is probably a clone as well. Please cut down the Sower and make sure we can take over this control point.