result count: 4

Sys427753_nameBridge Over Troubled Magma
Sys427753_szquest_accept_detailOur scouts have returned from exploring the region and report that there is no land bridge from the [ZONE_MAGMA_BASIN|Magma Basin] to the next region. It seems the Naga's [ZONE_MAGMA_BASIN|Scorched Steel Bridge] is the only way to cross beyond the [ZONE_TORRIDHOOF_BRIDGE|Magma Basin].\n\nAfter arriving in the [ZONE_SCORCHSUN|Scorching Sun Camp], [124586|Aydan Highlander] immediately set off to the [ZONE_TORRIDHOOF_BRIDGE|Scorched Steel Bridge] with a small squad in order to see for himself the lay of the land. Please head on after him and do what you can to help.
Sys427753_szquest_complete_detailBah... it never rains but it pours...\n\nLooks like the Naga really are collaborating with the [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League]. Yet more problems... we can only do our best!
Sys427753_szquest_descHead to the [ZONE_TORRIDHOOF_BRIDGE|Scorched Steel Bridge] and meet up with [124586|Aydan Highlander].