result count: 4

Sys427759_nameThe Doomhold
Sys427759_szquest_accept_detail[124590|Arlya] has managed to make it to the next area, the [ZONE_ASCENSION_GATEWAY|Gate of the Gods], and she's gone to work setting up the small [124647|transport portals to the Scorching Sun Camp]. Meanwhile, [124588|Kerley Hill] has returned to the [ZONE_SCORCHSUN|Scorching Sun Camp] to prepare for transporting the supplies.\n\nI'm going to stay here for the time being and deal with a few matters. Please press on to the [ZONE_ASCENSION_GATEWAY|Gate of the Gods]. Join up with [124590|Arlya] there and help her with anything she needs.
Sys427759_szquest_complete_detailWelcome to the [ZONE_DOOMHOLD|Doomhold]!\n\nYou've no doubt realized by now that it would be pushing it to call this place a "camp". But our next move will see us enter the final battle against the [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League]. If the [HAND_OF_BALANCE|Hand of Balance] fails to defeat the [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League], it could bring about Doomsday and the very end of the world itself. That's why I decided to call this place the "Doomhold", as a constant reminder to the [HAND_OF_BALANCE|Hand of Balance].
Sys427759_szquest_descPlease pass through the [ZONE_TWIN_SERPENT_DEN|Twin Serpent Lair] to reach the [ZONE_ASCENSION_GATEWAY|Gate of the Gods] and meet up with [124590|Arlya]. Help her in setting up the small [124647|transport portals to the Scorching Sun Camp].