result count: 5

Sys427764_nameThe Enchanted Naga Fortress
Sys427764_szquest_accept_detailThe only thing we know about the [ZONE_SKY_SPIRE|Celestial Spire] is that it was built by the Naga.\n\nWe need you to eliminate the [109748|Naga Guards] around the Celestial Spire first of all. While you're doing that, we'll investigate this magical steel fortress and find out as much as we can and report back.
Sys427764_szquest_complete_detailThe defensive plans for the [ZONE_SKY_SPIRE|Celestial Spire] are a secret with seven seals. Not even the Kaa soldiers have anything to say on the matter... Nevertheless, as difficult as it was, I managed to extract some halfway reliable intelligence from a member of the [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League].
Sys427764_szquest_descEliminate the [109748|Naga Guards] patrolling the [ZONE_SKY_SPIRE|Celestial Spire] and report back to [124592|Aydan Highlander].
Sys427764_szquest_uncomplete_detailPlease eliminate the [109748|Naga Guards] around the Celestial Spire. While you're doing that, we'll investigate this magical steel fortress and find out as much as we can and report back.