result count: 5

Sys427837_namePeople's Opinion
Sys427837_szquest_accept_detailNext, I would like to examine the residents' reactions to the ostriches. If the Autumn Banquet really does have its origins here, then the residents of the villages will certainly have especially strong emotions towards the ostriches. If your success with the last task is anything to go by, you're unsurpassed in imitating ostriches. There is no one who would be better suited to this mission! Fate has brought us together! With your help, I'll bring the truth about the Autumn Banquet to light.\n\nPlease put on this cute ostrich disguise again and make your way to the four surrounding villages of [ZONE_BOLAR_VILLAGE|Medanor], [ZONE_BAYRO_VILLAGE|Engwor], [ZONE_STERNHORN_VILLAGE|Sternhorn] and [ZONE_ZAKURI_VILLAGE|Tomara]. Imitate the ostrich calls there and record the reactions of the residents.\n\nIf you lose the [243991|Golden Ostrich Disguise Mk50], I'll happily provide you with a new one.
Sys427837_szquest_complete_detailThank you for your efforts. It was surely a nice experience pretending to be an ostrich, right? Right?! ([124702|Humbo Schurtz's] eyes are twinkling.)\n\nPlease accept this gift! And now I must evaluate the collected data as quickly as possible...
Sys427837_szquest_descThe ostrich expert [124702|Humbo Schurtz] is asking you to research the origins of the Autumn Banquet.\n\nPut on the [243998|Golden Ostrich Disguise] and make your way to these four villages in the [SC_ZONEID_15|Thunderhoof Hills]: [ZONE_BOLAR_VILLAGE|Medanor], [ZONE_BAYRO_VILLAGE|Engwor], [ZONE_STERNHORN_VILLAGE|Sternhorn] and [ZONE_ZAKURI_VILLAGE|Tomara]. Use the "Happy Cry" skill in the villages and observe the reactions of the villagers.\n\nAfterwards, report to [124702|Humbo Schurtz].
Sys427837_szquest_uncomplete_detailSo far, the results of our fieldwork have been thoroughly satisfactory!