result count: 13

SC_427950_124975_1The beer from this barrel tastes like... this isn't real beer, right?
SC_427950_124975_2... Hey! Why is there someone inside here?!
SC_427950_124975_3Still not real beer? This is unusual. We should ask him more specific questions!
SC_427950_124975_4Eh... You're really persistent... Do you never give up? All right, fine, I'll return the beer now...
SC_427950_124975_5Please first accept the quest from [124970|Andrews Sterlin].
SC_427950_124975_6Huh? My head hurts like hell... I haven't been drinking, have I? What? Where am I?
SC_427950_124975_7Don't even try to talk yourself out of it! This is all fake beer! Hand over the real stuff already!
SC_427950_124975_8Go to [124970|Andrews Sterlin] and ask him!
Sys427950_nameWhich beer is genuine?
Sys427950_szquest_accept_detailI admit that I stole some of his beer...\nThere was unfortunately no other way. I had too little to drink and to sell... But oh well, I'll give it back to you now.\nBut... the stolen beer is among the barrels with the others... haha...\n\nIn some of these barrels in front of you there is real beer, and in others there's fake beer... and then there are barrels containing other things. Don't ask me what I actually had planned. I won't tell you!
Sys427950_szquest_complete_detailYou seem like a real connoisseur! You found the beer for me! I'm amazed by you! Now nothing stands in the way of our [DIR_TAGID_011|Juice Festival]!
Sys427950_szquest_desc[ZONE_DAELANIS|Andrews Sterlin], who can be found outside [124970|Dalanis], is ready to return the beer. But he says only some of the barrels contain real beer. You should find out for yourself which barrels are the right ones.
Sys427950_szquest_uncomplete_detailCan you help me find the stolen beer?