result count: 1

UI+Sys (0)Heavy Helmet of the Rhinoceros: 1x227616 (8.337%)
Chain Boots of the Dwarf: 1x227621 (8.333%)
Experimental Gloves: 1x227626 (8.333%)
Gauntlets of the Rhinoceros: 1x227617 (8.333%)
Helmet of the Giant Tree: 1x227622 (8.333%)
Experimental Boots: 1x227627 (8.333%)
Heavy Boots of the Rhinoceros: 1x227618 (8.333%)
Leather Gloves of the Giant Tree: 1x227623 (8.333%)
Helmet of the Dwarf: 1x227619 (8.333%)
Boots of the Giant Tree: 1x227624 (8.333%)
Chain Gloves of the Dwarf: 1x227620 (8.333%)
Experimental Headdress: 1x227625 (8.333%)