result count: 1

UI+Sys (0)Giant Shotak Pirate Massacre Blade: 1x214128 (9.1%)
Light Bodos Warrior Hammer: 1x214133 (9.09%)
Staff of the Waters of Lake Noktus: 1x214138 (9.09%)
Shotak Pirate Battle Blade: 1x214129 (9.09%)
Light Bodos Hunting Bow: 1x214134 (9.09%)
Giant Franko Pirate Massacre Axe: 1x214130 (9.09%)
Ailic's Pirates Hunting Crossbow: 1x214135 (9.09%)
Franko Pirate Battle Axe: 1x214131 (9.09%)
Ailic's Pirates Battle Blade: 1x214136 (9.09%)
Giant Bodos Warrior Hammer: 1x214132 (9.09%)
Foundling's Two-handed Ruin Staff: 1x214137 (9.09%)