result count: 27

SC_111256_0¡Eh, joven! Lo que sea que tengáis que decir, decidlo rápido. No tengo paciencia.Hey! Boy! Whatever you want to say, say it quick. I'm not patient.
SC_111256_1Transporte a [ZONE_ROGSHIRE|Logar]Transport to [ZONE_ROGSHIRE|Logar]
SC_111256_10Transporte a [ZONE_AYEN CARAVAN|Caravana de Ayren]Transport to [ZONE_AYEN CARAVAN|Ayren Caravan]
SC_111256_10_1Transporte al [ZONE_REIFORT POINT|Campamento de Reifort].Transport to [ZONE_REIFORT POINT|Reifort Camp].
SC_111256_11Transporte a [ZONE_LAGO|Lyk]Transport to [ZONE_LAGO|Lyk]
SC_111256_12Transporte al [ZONE_STONES FURLOUGH|Puerto de Embarque].Transport to [ZONE_STONES FURLOUGH|Haven of Departure].
SC_111256_13Transporte al [ZONE_HARFEN_CAMP|Campamento de Heffner]Transport to [ZONE_HARFEN_CAMP|Heffner Camp]
SC_111256_15Transporte a las [ZONE_THUNDERHOOF_MESA|Colinas del Trueno]Transport to [ZONE_THUNDERHOOF_MESA|Thunderhoof Hills]
SC_111256_2Transporte a [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas]Transport to [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas]
SC_111256_22Transporte al [ZONE_Z22_OLD_ROJAN_KINGDOM|Antiguo Reino de Rorazan]Transport to [ZONE_Z22_OLD_ROJAN_KINGDOM|Ancient Kingdom of Rorazan]
SC_111256_3Transporte a la [ZONE_DUST HOLD|Fortaleza Abandonada]Transport to [ZONE_DUST HOLD|Abandoned Fortress]
SC_111256_31Transporte a las [ZONE_Z31_IFANTRISH_CRYPT|Cavernas de Yrvandis]Transport to [ZONE_Z31_IFANTRISH_CRYPT|Yrvandis Hollows]
SC_111256_4Transporte a [ZONE_ARGENFALL|Cascadargentada]Transport to [ZONE_ARGENFALL|Silverfall]
SC_111256_5Transporte a [ZONE_HAROLFE TRADING POST|Puesto de Comercio de Harf]Transport to [ZONE_HAROLFE TRADING POST|Harf Trading Post]
SC_111256_6Transporte a [ZONE_OBSIDIAN BASTION|Fortaleza Obsidiana]Transport to [ZONE_OBSIDIAN BASTION|Obsidian Stronghold]
SC_111256_7Transporte a la [ZONE_BOULDERWIND|Aldea del Acantilado Ventoso]Transport to [ZONE_BOULDERWIND|Boulderwind Village]
SC_111256_8Transporte a la [ZONE_THE GREEN TOWER|Torre Verde].Transport to the [ZONE_THE GREEN TOWER|Green Tower].
SC_111256_9Transporte a las afueras de [ZONE_DIMARKA|Dimarka]Transport to the outskirts of [ZONE_DIMARKA|Dimarka].
SC_111256_DIALOG_0El transporte a [$VAR1] cuesta [$VAR2] monedas de oro.The transport to [$VAR1] costs a fee of [$VAR2] gold.
SC_111256_OTHabéis conseguido abrir el portal de transporte.You succeeded in opening the transport portal here.
SC_111256_Q¿Qué es el transporte?What is transport?
SC_111256_QD"¿Queréis saber a qué me dedico?\n¿Yo? Pertenezco a la Hermandad de Ailic. Mi nombre... No tiene importancia.\n\nDebéis comprender la fortuna que tenéis al gozar del permiso que la Hermandad de Ailic os concede para utilizar sus dispositivos de transporte. ¡Son un tesoro! Solo tenéis que saber dónde se encuentran los otros dispositivos similares al que utilizáis para poder transportaros a los más cercanos.\nCada uso consume energía mágica, por lo que nos vemos obligados a limitar su uso a personas autorizadas y a cobrar una tarifa compensatoria. Yo me encargo del dispositivo, lo manejo y cobro la tarifa.\nDeberíais estar agradecido: muchos aventureros tienen que recorrer grandes distancias y estarían encantados de poder usarlo."You want to know what I do?\nMe? I'm a member of Ailic's Community. My name... That's not important.\n\nYou should realize just how very lucky you are that Ailic's Community has given you permission to use their traveling devices, they are a real treasure. You just need to know the location of the other devices similar to that one, then you can transport to the ones nearby.\nEach use consumes magic energy so we need to limit its use to authorized people and ask for a compensation fee. I take care of it, operate it, and I collect the fees.\nYou'd better be grateful, lots of adventurers who have to travel a lot would love to be able to use this treasure."
SC_111256_S|cff11ffffQuiero registrar aquí mi punto retorno|r|cff11ffffI want to register my recall point here.|r
Sys111256_nameFisgo el testarudoSnoop the Stubborn
Sys111256_name_pluralFisgo el testarudoSnoop the Stubborn
Sys111256_szquestnpctext¡Eh! ¿Cómo he ido a parar aquí?Hey? How did I get here?
Sys111256_titlenameVigilante del portal de transporteTransport Portal Caretaker