result count: 4

SC_121440_01Estos ropajes son solo para aquellos que conozcan el campo de batalla como la palma de su mano.\n\nSi los queréis, tendréis que probar vuestra valía entregando una merecida [SC_DUELIST_REWARD|Insignia de Guerrero].This gear is only for people who know the battlefield like the back of their hands.\n\nIf you want to have these clothes and war accessories, you'll have to pay with your hard earned [SC_DUELIST_REWARD|Badges of the Warrior].
Sys121440_nameJack YkesJack Ykes
Sys121440_name_pluralJack YkesJack Ykes
Sys121440_titlenameMercader de Insignias de GuerreroBadge of the Warrior Merchant