result count: 4

Sys123042_nameTío ShiothUncle Shioth
Sys123042_name_pluralTíos ShiothUncle Shioths
Sys123042_szquestnpctext¡Ah, sí! Ay, ay, ay...\n\n(El viejo que tenéis delante pone cara de sufrimiento, se agacha e inspecciona con cuidado la pasarela, suspirando).\n\n¿Otra vez sueltas? Esos gamberros son peores que una familia de osos. ¡Siempre tienen que estropearlo todo!Oh, oh, oh!\n\n(The old man in front of you screws up his face in disgust, bends over and inspects the walkway, sighing quietly.)\n\nLoose again already? These tearaways do more damage than a family of bears! Do they always have to stamp?
Sys123042_titlenameMaestro carpinteroMaster Carpenter