result count: 3

Sys124559_nameLayla LandoLayla Lando
Sys124559_szquestnpctextEstas criaturas mecánicas son seres vivos verdaderamente misteriosos... Aunque... en realidad eso no es del todo correcto. Aún no se ha demostrado científicamente que realmente se trate de organismos vivos.\n\nPero pondré todo mi esfuerzo en demostrar que son seres vivos inteligentes.These mechanical creatures are really curious living beings... Well... You can't actually say that. It still hasn't been scientifically proven that they are actually living beings.\n\nBut I will try my best to prove that were are dealing with intelligent life here.
Sys124559_titlenameInvestigadora del Ojo de la SabiduríaEye of Wisdom Researcher