result count: 5

Sys421410_nameAdorar al Rey del LagoWorshipping the King of the Lake
Sys421410_szquest_accept_detailEl palacio sumergido del [ZONE_LAKE OSURA|Lago Ousul] es la morada del Rey del Lago. Desde los tiempos de nuestros ancestros hemos rezado antes de salir a pescar para que el Rey del Lago nos permita pescar y nos conceda comida.\n\nAunque en los últimos años ha habido muchos cambios, el ritual sigue vivo.\n\nLlevad estas ofrendas al [ZONE_LAKE OSURA|Lago Ousul]. Colocad la [202780|Ofrenda] en el [111325|Tótem del sacrificio] y un enviado se la llevará al Rey.The underwater palace in [ZONE_LAKE OSURA|Lake Ousul]l is where the King of the Lake lives. From the time of our ancestors, we have prayed to the King of the Lake for food and allowing us to enter the lake before we fish every time.\n\nEven though there have been many changes in the past few years, the worshipping ritual cannot be stopped.\n\nPlease bring these offerings to [ZONE_LAKE OSURA|Lake Ousul]l. Place the [202780|Offering] on [111325|Sacrificial Totem Pole], and an envoy will bring it to the King.
Sys421410_szquest_complete_detailDejad la [202780|Ofrenda] en el tótem y esperad a que aparezca el enviado del Rey.You place the [202780|Offering] on the worship totem and wait for the King's follower to appear...
Sys421410_szquest_descAyudad a [111312|Benni] a colocar la [202780|Ofrenda] para el Rey del Lago cerca del [111325|Tótem del sacrificio] que hay junto al [ZONE_LAKE OSURA|Lago Ousul].Help [111312|Benni] place the [202780|Offering] to worship the King of the Lake near the [111325|Sacrificial Totem Pole] beside [ZONE_LAKE OSURA|Lake Ousul]l.
Sys421410_szquest_uncomplete_detailNo se puede adorar sin ofrendas.Worshipping needs offerings...