result count: 4

Sys422266_nameHabilidad de MineríaMining Skills
Sys422266_szquest_accept_detailEl maestro [112795|Womukray] dice que ya habéis aprendido a recolectar hierbas y cortar madera y que ahora tenéis que aprender minería.\n\nPor último, id a ver al instructor de minería, [112963|Obothek], para aprender a extraer minerales. Está al este, cerca de aquí. Avanzad un poco en esa dirección y lo veréis.According to what Master [112795|Womukray] said, you've learned how to gather herbs and cut wood, and you also have to learn how to mine!\n\nFinally, I'll ask you to see the mining instructor, [112963|Obothek], to learn the craft of mining. He's not far to the east of here. Just take a few steps that way and you'll see him.
Sys422266_szquest_complete_detailAhora habéis aprendido todas las habilidades de recolección.\n\nVolved a ver al maestro [112795|Womukray]. Probablemente tenga más cosas que deciros...Mmh, now you've learned all the gathering crafts.\n\nPlease go back and see Master [112795|Womukray]. He probably has more to talk to you about...
Sys422266_szquest_descBuscad al instructor de minería, [112963|Obothek], para aprender el arte de extraer minerales.Find the mining instructor, [112963|Obothek], and learn the craft of mining.