result count: 5

Sys422724_nameSe os han adelantadoBeaten to the Punch
Sys422724_szquest_accept_detailAl respetable sacerdote:\n\nLa información que habéis enviado resulta muy interesante. Creemos que este fragmento redondo de jade contiene una gran energía y esperamos poder investigarlo detenidamente.\n\nSin embargo, no queremos molestaros. Cuando leáis esta carta, ya le habremos pedido al clan de los lava del distrito de las minas que transporten este fragmento redondo de jade, y supongo que no pasará mucho tiempo hasta que lleguen al [ZONE_LAKE HERON|Lago Garza].\n\nEl [102624|Capitán de transporte lava] dice que lo protegerá personalmente. La próxima vez que transporten materias primas, lo llevarán con ellos. Podéis estar tranquilo.\n\n(Independientemente de lo que sea, algo a lo que prestan tanta atención no puede ser algo normal y corriente. Parece que vais un paso por detrás, así que sólo os queda esperar que no hayan recogido todos los materiales que van a enviar. Según la carta, parece que el [102624|Capitán de transporte lava] lleva encima el trozo de jade redondo. Si todavía están esperando a que se preparen correctamente las materias primas, estarán aún en la mina. Es urgente, no hay tiempo de informar a [113176|Jiesheesh Norzen]. Esperad a recuperarlo antes de hablar con ella para que lo identifique).\n[SC_QUESTSTRING_03|(Grupo recomendado: 3)]To the respectable priest:\n\nThe data you sent is very interesting. We believe that this piece of round jade contains great energy and we hope to research it thoroughly.\n\nHowever we don't dare disturb you. As you read this letter, we have already asked the lava clan of the mining district to transport this round piece of jade and I believe that it won't be long before they arrive at [ZONE_LAKE HERON|Lake Heron].\n\n[102624|Lava Transport Captain] says that he will personally guard it. The next time they transport raw materials, they will bring it back with them. You can be rest assured.\n\n(Regardless of what that is, something that they pay so much attention to certainly isn't anything ordinary. Seems that you're a step late so now you can only hope that they haven't collected all the materials to be shipped. According to the letter, seems that [102624|Lava Transport Captain] has the round piece of jade on him. If they are still waiting for the raw materials to be properly prepared, they must still be in the mine! It's urgent, there's no time to report back to [113176|Jiesheesh Norzen]. Wait until you get it back before talking to her to let her identify it.)\n[SC_QUESTSTRING_03|(Recommended group size: 3)]
Sys422724_szquest_complete_detailDejad que investigue este fragmento redondo de jade. Nunca antes había visto algo así...Let me research this round piece of jade. I've never seen something like this before...
Sys422724_szquest_descId a la [ZONE_EVENTDGN_GOBLIN_MINES|Minas Goblin] cerca del [ZONE_NORZEN POINT|Campamento Norzen] y encontrad al [102624|Capitán de transporte lava]; después matadlo para conseguir el [205849|Disco de jade protegido] del que se habla en la carta. Llevádselo a [113176|Jiesheesh Norzen] para que lo identifique.\n[SC_QUESTSTRING_03|(Grupo recomendado: 3)]Go to the [ZONE_EVENTDGN_GOBLIN_MINES|Goblin Mines] in the vicinity of the [ZONE_NORZEN POINT|Norzen Camp] and find [102624|Lava Transport Captain], then kill him to get the [205849|Protected Jade Disc] mentioned in the letter. Bring it back to [113176|Jiesheesh Norzen] to identify.\n[SC_QUESTSTRING_03|(Recommended group size: 3)]
Sys422724_szquest_uncomplete_detailSi es tan importante, tenéis que recuperarlo lo antes posible. No podéis dejarles ganar.If that is so important, you must get it back as soon as possible! You can't let them win!