result count: 5

Sys423039_nameMentira podridaDespicable Lie
Sys423039_szquest_accept_detail¿Y ese vecino de verdad dijo que quiere llevarnos a ver a [103292|Maxim Erekat III]? ¿No solo a vos?\n\n([114455|Morrok Wallinder] duda un momento y luego sonríe).\n\nQué interesante... ¿Qué tal si vamos a ver de qué va todo esto?\n\nId a decirle que le ayudaremos. Decidle que accedemos a ir a buscar a [103292|Maxim Erekat III]. Estoy convencido de que sacaremos provecho de esto.Did that resident really say that he wants to bring "us" to find [103292|Maxim Erekat III]? Not only you?\n\n([114455|Morrok Wallinder] narrows his eyes and then smiles a bit.)\n\nYes...this is interesting. How about we see what this is all about?\n\nGo tell him that we agree to help him. Tell him we agree to follow him to find [103292|Maxim Erekat III]. I think we'll reap some unexpected benefits.
Sys423039_szquest_complete_detail([114455|Morrok Wallinder] mira con frialdad al [114597|Soldado de camuflaje de Avano]).\n\nHabéis cometido un grave error. Después de verme, no deberíais haberle dicho a [$PLAYERNAME] que "nos" conduciríais a buscar a [103292|Maxim Erekat III].\n\n[$PLAYERNAME] era la única persona que debía hablar con vos.([114455|Morrok Wallinder] coldly looks at the bound [114597|Avano Camouflage Trooper].)\n\nYou've made a fatal error. After you saw me, you shouldn't have told [$PLAYERNAME] that you would take "us" to find [103292|Maxim Erekat III].\n\nBecause [$PLAYERNAME] was the only person to speak to you all along.
Sys423039_szquest_desc[114455|Morrok Wallinder] quiere que habléis con el [114577|Ciudadano de Avano amargado] para que os ayude a encontrar a [103292|Maxim Erekat III].[114455|Morrok Wallinder] wants you to talk to the [114577|Embittered Resident of Avano], to let him lead you to find [103292|Maxim Erekat III].
Sys423039_szquest_uncomplete_detail([114455|Morrok Wallinder] observa con frialdad al tipo que yace en el suelo).([114455|Morrok Wallinder] coldly looks at the resident lying on the ground.)