result count: 4

Sys423479_nameBuscar a la chamán de AngrenSeek the Shaman of Angren
Sys423479_szquest_accept_detailHe oído que la chamán de [ZONE_ANGAREN|Angren] sabe fabricar un medicamento de efecto calmante. Quizás sería útil contra esos elfos que han sucumbido a la locura.\n\nLa gente de [ZONE_ANGAREN|Angren] ya debería conocer los efectos de este medicamento, pero quizás es que no saben usarlo bien.\n\nYo os aconsejaría que fuerais en busca de la chamán y de sus consejos. Quizás tardéis un poco en encontrarla, porque vive en una parte de la ciudad bastante remota.I've heard that the Shaman of [ZONE_ANGAREN|Angren] can make a drug that has a calming effect. Maybe it will be of some use against those elves that have succumbed to madness.\n\nWhile the people of [ZONE_ANGAREN|Angren] should already know the effects of this drug, perhaps they just don't know how to use it properly.\n\nI would advise you to find the Shaman and ask his advice. You may have to spend some time seeking him out, for he lives in a remote part of the city.
Sys423479_szquest_complete_detailEstáis en lo cierto. Yo soy la chamán de [ZONE_ANGAREN|Angren].You are correct. I am the Shaman of [ZONE_ANGAREN|Angren].
Sys423479_szquest_descBuscad a [115591|Shataak], la chamán de [ZONE_ANGAREN|Angren], en la ciudad.Seek [115591|Shataak], the Shaman of [ZONE_ANGAREN|Angren], in the city.