result count: 11

SC_423554_1El clan [116219|Ojo Vago] quiere arreglar las cosas.The [116219|Rotteneye] clan wishes to make amends with you.
SC_423554_2¿Arreglar las cosas? ¿Acaso se trata de una broma?Make amends? Don't they know how laughable that is?
SC_423554_3No todos los miembros del clan [116219|Ojo Vago] participaron en el golpe.Not all of the members of the [116219|Rotteneye] clan participated in the coup.
SC_423554_4Soy consciente de que la minoría inocente del clan [116219|Ojo Vago] no tiene por qué cargar con esta responsabilidad, pero no puedo olvidarlo. Al General [116217|Drake] tampoco le gustaría. Y a nuestros hermanos muertos y a los miembros inocentes del clan que murieron seguramente tampoco.I'm aware that we can't make the innocent minority of [116219|Rotteneye] clan members bear responsibility, but I still can't just forget this. General [116217|Drake] wouldn't like this either. And our dead brothers and the innocent clan members that died certainly wouldn't be okay with this.
SC_423554_5¿Cuándo conseguiréis enterrar todo este odio?When will you finally be able to set aside this hatred?
SC_423554_6Una cosa es decirlo, y otra muy diferente hacerlo. No es fácil dejar el odio a un lado, pero si son capaces de demostrar su lealtad, les daré la oportunidad de expiar sus pecados. Y sobre si podemos o no aceptarlos después, tendremos que examinar su comportamiento.Setting aside hatred is easier said than done. It isn't so easy to neutralize hatred, but if they can show their loyalty, we'll give them a chance to atone for their sins. As for whether or not we can accept them later, we'll just have to see how they behave.
Sys423554_nameConvencer a HelgharPersuading Helghar
Sys423554_szquest_accept_detailComo ya sabemos que [116220|Skarbar Zarpafilada] es el instigador de esta conspiración, tenemos que actuar.\n\nLo primero que debemos hacer es resolver los malentendidos entre el clan [116219|Ojo Vago] y [115598|Drake Colmillorrabioso].\n\nEl clan [116219|Ojo Vago] tenía intención de rectificar. No será difícil convencerles. Sin embargo, ellos y [115598|Drake Colmillorrabioso] son huesos duros de roer.\n\nId a ver a [116262|Helghar Dientesangre]. Convencedle de que deje atrás su odio. Al fin y al cabo, las acciones de una minoría del clan [116219|Ojo Vago] no pueden considerarse pecados de todo el clan [116219|Ojo Vago].\n\nSi convencéis a [116262|Helghar Dientesangre], podrá ayudarnos a convencer a [115598|Drake Colmillorrabioso].Since we already know that [116220|Skarbar Sharpclaw] is the instigator of these schemes, we'd better act.\n\nThe first thing we should do is resolve the misunderstandings between the [116219|Rotteneye] clan and [115598|Drake Angerfang].\n\nThe [116219|Rotteneye] clan was originally leaning towards making amends. They aren't hard to persuade. But [115598|Drake Angerfang] and them aren't easy to persuade.\n\nGo see [116262|Helghar Bloodfang]. Persuade him to set aside his past hatred. After all, the actions of a minority of the [116219|Rotteneye] clan members shouldn't be considered the sins of the entire [116219|Rotteneye] clan.\n\nIf you can persuade [116262|Helghar Bloodfang], he'll be able to help us persuade [115598|Drake Angerfang].
Sys423554_szquest_complete_detailNo es fácil dejar atrás el odio. Aunque sé que no tuvieron nada que ver, me resulta imposible no odiarlos.It isn't easy to set aside hatred. Even though I know they didn't participate, it's impossible to not hate them.
Sys423554_szquest_descId a la [ZONE_EARTH_SPRING_VILLAGE|Aldea Fontana] y tratad de convencer a [116262|Helghar Dientesangre] de que deje el odio atrás.Go to [ZONE_EARTH_SPRING_VILLAGE|Earthsprings Village] and try to persuade [116262|Helghar Bloodfang] to set aside his past hatred.
Sys423554_szquest_uncomplete_detail¿Ha ido bien?Did it go well?