result count: 9

SC_424065_A(Parece estar pensando en algo. No responde a nada de lo que decís. Tendréis que tener paciencia y esperar a que se anime.)(He looks like he is thinking about something. He doesn't respond no matter what you say to him. It looks like you'll have to be patient and wait for him to snap out of it...)
SC_424065_B¿Sí? ¿Seguro que este es el lugar? Ya he estado aquí antes. Es...\n\n...el Valle Solitario. Quién lo iba a decir...Yes? Are you sure this is the place? I've been here before. It's...\n\nthe Secluded Valley. Who would have thought...
SC_424065_C(Transmitid la advertencia de [119294|Lojence]).(Pass on the warning [119294|Lojence] gave.)
SC_424065_D[119164|Sismond] ignora por completo vuestra advertencia y empieza a hablar solo.[119164|Sismond] completely ignores your warning and begins speaking to himself...
Sys424065_nameLa furia de un auténtico dragónA true dragon's Rage
Sys424065_szquest_accept_detail[119164|Sismond] es un impertinente... La razón por la que no me meto en sus asuntos es porque los auténticos dragones no tienen permitido ocuparse de asuntos de los humanos. ¡Y ahora quiere venir en persona! No os culpo. Ha amenazado la vida de vuestros compañeros. No hay otra solución...\n\n¡A ver qué os parece esto! Debéis avisarlo de mi parte una vez más. Si pone un pie en el [ZONE_VALLEY_OF_SERENITY|Valle Solitario], sufrirá una muerte horrible. Espero que se retire al conocer las dificultades que le esperan y que renuncie a seguir un camino que lo llevará a su perdición.[119164|Sismond] is too presumptuous... The reason I don't get involved with his affairs is because the true dragons are forbidden from dealing with human affairs. Now he wants to come here himself! I don't blame you. He threatened the lives of your companions. There really is no way around this...\n\nHow about this! You must warn him for me one last time. If he sets one foot in the [ZONE_VALLEY_OF_SERENITY|Secluded Valley], he will meet a horrible death! I hope he will withdraw after learning of the difficulties and won't follow a path leading to his demise!
Sys424065_szquest_complete_detailEs muy extraño... ¿Es que [119150|Sismond] se ha vuelto completamente loco? Está buscando la muerte y no tiene ni una pizca de miedo...That's very strange...Could [119150|Sismond] have gone completely crazy? He is looking for death without the slightest hint of fear...
Sys424065_szquest_desc[119294|Lojence] quiere que aviséis a [119164|Sismond] de que no entre en el [ZONE_VALLEY_OF_SERENITY|Valle Solitario].[119294|Lojence] wants you to warn [119164|Sismond] to not enter the [ZONE_VALLEY_OF_SERENITY|Secluded Valley].
Sys424065_szquest_uncomplete_detailEsta es la última advertencia. Si insiste en su empeño, lo que suceda no será culpa mía...This is the last warning. If he insists on proceeding like this, then it's not my fault...