result count: 5

Sys426468_nameTestigo tuertoOne-Eyed Witness
Sys426468_szquest_accept_detailHm. ¿Qué os importa a vos dónde estuve ayer? No se me ocurre en qué puede incumbiros... Además, ¿quién sois vois? ¿Y por qué me preguntáis precisamente a mí?\n([122905|Keyn el tuerto] suspira.)\n\nBah, qué más da. Puede que hasta os lo cuente y todo. Tampoco es que sea importante. Quizá hasta podamos hacer negocios, ¿qué os parece? Pero no os preocupéis, no pienso proponeros ninguna tarea imposible. No espero de vos sentinas llenas de tesoros ni las cabezas de infinidad de monstruos.\n([122905|Keyn el tuerto] os observa de arriba abajo y estalla luego en carcajadas.)Hmm, what's it to you where I was yesterday? I don't know what it has to do with you...and who are you anyway? Why are you questioning me of all people? \n([122905|One-Eyed Keyn] sobs.)\n\nAh, who cares. Maybe I'll tell you anyway. Doesn't really matter. Maybe we can even make a deal, what do you think? But don't worry, I won't pose you any impossible tasks. Shiploads of treasure or the heads of countless sea monsters, that's not what I'm after!\n\n([122905|One-Eyed Keyn] looks you over and then breaks out in laughter.)\n\nHahaha, sorry. Even if you think I'm a joker now, I'm serious about the job: you have to return my eye to me. \n([122905|One-Eyed Keyn] indicates his eye-patch with a meaningful expression.)\n\nWhile fishing near Muckgale some nights ago, my glass eye popped out of its moorings and sank in the sea. I looked for it, but with just one eye, and no light, I didn't have much luck.
Sys426468_szquest_complete_detailNo os podéis imaginar lo importante que es para mí este ojo de cristal.\n\nNo tengo reparo en confesaros que yo antes era un bribón redomado, con la cabeza a pájaros. Hasta que un día entró una mujer en mi vida que me enseñó lo que es el amor y la responsabilidad. Pero mi turbio pasado volvió a asomar para destruir nuestra felicidad. Aun así, nunca olvidaré aquellos tiempos felices. El día en que me regaló el ojo de cristal me dijo: "Esta perla te ayudará a ver el mundo con los colores del arco iris. Te mostrará el camino que debes seguir para dejar atrás tu oscuro pasado".\n\nEn cualquier caso, ahora sabéis que no he podido tener nada con el robo. Quizá le sirva de ayuda a Lazzern saber que los ladrones más hábiles del puerto de Muertormenta no son de naturaleza humana. Creo que entenderá a lo que me refiero.You can't imagine how important that glass eye is to me. \n\nI used to be a real rogue - nothing but trouble on my mind, I tell you. Until one day, a woman stepped into my life. She taught me what love is, and responsibility, but I couldn't escape my dark past and it destroyed our happiness. But I'll never forget those happy times. On the day she gave me the glass eye, she said to me, "This pearl will help you see the world in all the bright colors of the rainbow. It will show you the way out of the dark times of your past."\n\nAnd now you know that I can't have had anything to do with the theft. Maybe it will help Lazzern if you tell him that the most skilled thieves in Muckgale aren't human at all. I think he'll know what I mean.
Sys426468_szquest_descId al puerto de Muertormenta y encontrad el ojo de cristal de [122905|Keyn el tuerto].Go to the Port of Muckgale and find the glass eye that [122905|One-Eyed Keyn] lost.
Sys426468_szquest_uncomplete_detailNo os podéis imaginar lo importante que es para mí ese ojo de cristal.You can't imagine how much this glass eye means to me.