result count: 5

Sys426894_nameTrabajo sucioA Dirty Job
Sys426894_szquest_accept_detail¿Piedras de energía? Pensaba que solo eran unas piedras normales y corrientes. Este mundo está lleno de tesoros maravillosos. \n\nAyudadme a eliminar a esos [<S>108525|Elementales de agua apestosos] venenosos y podréis quedaros con su energía.Energy stones? I thought they were just a few hunks of rock. My goodness, but how this world never ceases to amaze with its wonderful treasures.\n\nHelp me to cleanse the world of these poison-spraying [<S>108525|Noisome Water Elementals] and I'll let you have their energy.
Sys426894_szquest_complete_detailBien, un problema menos en este mundo. Los dos solos jamás hubiéramos logrado deshacernos de todos los desechos generados por esas horribles criaturas.So, that's one less problem in the world. The two of us would never have managed to deal with the rubbish these abominable creatures leave behind them.
Sys426894_szquest_descAyudad a [123343|Kendell] y deshaceos de parte de los [<S>108525|Elementales de agua apestosos].Help [123343|Kendell] to deal with some of the [<S>108525|Noisome Water Elementals].
Sys426894_szquest_uncomplete_detailNo me arrepiento de este trabajo sucio. Estamos desempeñando una buena labor. \n\nEnfrentarse a esos funcionarios descerebrados provoca dolores de cabeza mucho peores.It's a filthy job, but someone's got to do it, and it's a good job we're doing it too.\n\nAnd the headaches aren't nearly as bad as when you have to deal with mindless bureaucrats.