result count: 5

Sys427164_nameMulas de cargaHired Hands
Sys427164_szquest_accept_detailEn todas partes hacen falta provisiones, por eso hay que entregarlas cuanto antes. Este carro va al puerto, otro abastece la [ZONE_NORTH_WILLOW_MANOR|Finca del Sauce Septentrional] y otro, [ZONE_WINDBRINE_CASTLE|Castillo Brisal]. Uff... y yo, que me torcí la mano y no puedo cargarla mucho. Necesito urgentemente ayuda, alguien fuerte y con aguante...Provisions are needed everywhere, which means they need to be delivered as quickly as humanly possible. This cart's going to the port, another one supplies [ZONE_NORTH_WILLOW_MANOR|North Willow Manor] and a third visits [ZONE_WINDBRINE_CASTLE|Brinewind Castle]. *sigh* But I've sprained my wrist and can't pick up anything heavy. I could use a young, strapping soul to lend me a hand...
Sys427164_szquest_complete_detail¡Por lo visto tendré que contar con vos hasta que me recupere de la mano! En estas épocas es realmente difícil encontrar ayudantes...The way things are looking, I'll have to rely on you until my hand has healed! At times like these it's really hard to find workers.
Sys427164_szquest_descAyudad a [123670|Carlie] con los [123695|Lote de provisiones pesado] y [243222|cargadlos] en el carro.Help [123670|Carlie] with the [<S>123695|Heavy Food Bundles] by loading [243222|them] onto the cart.
Sys427164_szquest_uncomplete_detailEs una suerte que estéis aquí. No es fácil encontrar ayudantes a última hora.Thank goodness you're here. It isn't easy finding someone to help out at the last minute.