result count: 4

Sys117106_nameCarlund ChelseaCarlund Chelsea
Sys117106_name_pluralCarlund ChelseaCarlund Chelsea
Sys117106_szquestnpctextJe travaille dur pour augmenter ma production. Si notre seigneur avait vent de mes talents, il m'engagerait à la Forteresse ancienne Grafu !\n\nHé hé hé ! Admirez le travail. Si vous croisez notre seigneur, présentez-le-moi.I must work hard to put out more ironwares. If the Lady were to know just how good my skills were, she would choose me to work in the Grafu Castle!\r\n\r\nHeheh! Take a look. If you run into our lady remember to introduce me to her.
Sys117106_titlenameFerronnierIron Merchant