result count: 1

101342 - 574765
The Winternight Ice Witches are one type of ice fairy, usually one of the more formidable kind. The most beautiful among them becomes their queen.
Boss (4)
Lv: 45+0
Frost Rune
HP: 707.910
PATK: 7.493
MATK: 17.311
PDEF: 2.807
MDEF: 2.935
PDMG: 2.773
Respawn: 00:02:00
xp: 12.836
tp: 641.787

>100276 Winternight Ice Witch (100%)
240686 Aisha's Spirit Crystal (200%)
722294 (100%)
722974 (100%)
723348 (100%)
720100 (100%)
724174 (100%)
720026 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723982 (3%)
551185 (1%)
205697 Aisha's Crystal (1%)
222573 Swift Hawk Boots (0.4%)
721916 (0.387%)
550799 (0.1%)