guid | name | attribute | rarity | inherent |
514170 search: -treasure | Power of Eons (strings) (strings) | 180 Strength (2) 180 Dexterity (6) | 2 | 120 |
514171 search: -treasure | Fire of Eons (strings) (strings) | 180 Strength (2) 450 Magical Attack (15) | 2 | 120 |
514172 search: -treasure | Assault of Eons (strings) (strings) | 180 Strength (2) 1170 Maximum HP (8) | 2 | 120 |
514173 search: -treasure | Fury of Eons (strings) (strings) | 180 Strength (2) 180 Stamina (3) | 2 | 120 |
514174 search: -treasure | Wind of Eons (strings) (strings) | 180 Strength (2) 990 Defense (13) | 2 | 120 |
514175 search: -treasure | Swiftness of Eons (strings) (strings) | 180 Dexterity (6) 1170 Maximum HP (8) | 2 | 120 |
514176 search: -treasure | Triumph of Eons (strings) (strings) | 180 Dexterity (6) 450 Physical Attack (12) | 2 | 120 |
514177 search: -treasure | Strength of Eons (strings) (strings) | 180 Dexterity (6) 450 Magical Attack (15) | 2 | 120 |
514178 search: -treasure | Transformation of Eons (strings) (strings) | 450 Physical Attack (12) 990 Defense (13) | 2 | 120 |
514179 search: -treasure | Core of Eons (strings) (strings) | 450 Physical Attack (12) 1170 Maximum HP (8) | 2 | 120 |
514180 search: -treasure | Heart of Eons (strings) (strings) | 180 Dexterity (6) 990 Defense (13) | 2 | 120 |
514181 search: -treasure | Illusion of Eons (strings) (strings) | 180 Intelligence (4) 990 Magical Defense (14) | 2 | 120 |
514182 search: -treasure | Spell of Eons (strings) (strings) | 180 Intelligence (4) 180 Stamina (3) | 2 | 120 |
514183 search: -treasure | Void of Eons (strings) (strings) | 180 Intelligence (4) 990 Defense (13) | 2 | 120 |
514184 search: -treasure | Demon of Eons (strings) (strings) | 180 Intelligence (4) 450 Magical Attack (15) | 2 | 120 |
514185 search: -treasure | Ice of Eons (strings) (strings) | 180 Intelligence (4) 1170 Maximum MP (9) | 2 | 120 |
514186 search: -treasure | Frost of Eons (strings) (strings) | 180 Intelligence (4) 1170 Maximum HP (8) | 2 | 120 |
514187 search: -treasure | Secret of Eons (strings) (strings) | 180 Wisdom (5) 990 Magical Defense (14) | 2 | 120 |
514188 search: -treasure | Skill of Eons (strings) (strings) | 180 Wisdom (5) 1170 Maximum HP (8) | 2 | 120 |
514189 search: -treasure | Complement of Eons (strings) (strings) | 1170 Maximum HP (8) 450 Magical Attack (15) | 2 | 120 |
514190 search: -treasure | Aid of Eons (strings) (strings) | 180 Wisdom (5) 990 Defense (13) | 2 | 120 |
514191 search: -treasure | Chill of Eons (strings) (strings) | 180 Intelligence (4) 180 Wisdom (5) | 2 | 120 |
514192 search: -treasure | Cold of Eons (strings) (strings) | 180 Wisdom (5) 450 Magical Attack (15) | 2 | 120 |
514193 search: -treasure | Sun of Eons (strings) (strings) | 180 Stamina (3) 450 Magical Attack (15) | 2 | 120 |
514194 search: -treasure | Moon of Eons (strings) (strings) | 1170 Maximum HP (8) 1170 Maximum MP (9) | 2 | 120 |
514195 search: -treasure | Star of Eons (strings) (strings) | 990 Defense (13) 450 Magical Attack (15) | 2 | 120 |
514196 search: -treasure | Light of Eons (strings) (strings) | 180 Stamina (3) 990 Magical Defense (14) | 2 | 120 |
514197 search: -treasure | Weeds of Eons (strings) (strings) | 180 Strength (2) 450 Magical Attack (15) | 2 | 120 |
514198 search: -treasure | Barbarity of Eons (strings) (strings) | 180 Strength (2) 180 Wisdom (5) | 2 | 120 |
514199 search: -treasure | Fragment of Eons (strings) (strings) | 180 Strength (2) 990 Magical Defense (14) | 2 | 120 |