ID: 101263

Name: Deep Sea Curse
Note: When compared to the [101264|Deep Sea Nightmare], the [101263|Deep Sea Curse] is a smaller variety of sea monster. Usually found in shallower marine environments, fishermen and smugglers encounter it quite frequently. Ships that encounter the [101263|Deep Sea Curse] are sure to be wrecked or be engulfed by a tsunami soon after. It is therefore considered a bad omen.

Type: Elite(2)
Level: 51+-0
Speed: 100
Searchrange: 100
Followrange: 400

Respawn: 08:20:00
XP: 2.457
TP: 12.286

HP: 65.206
MP: 3.040
PDMG: 1.155
PATK: 4.221
PDEF: 5.001
MATK: 2.302
MDEF: 5.029

163 Damage(25)
41 % Physical Attack Increase(134)
81 % Defense Increase(135)
82 % Magical Defense Increase Percentage(170)
587 % Max HP Increase(167)
5 Parry Rate(22)
5 Physical Critical Hit Rate(18)
5 Dodge(17)

When: Attack(3)
Target: Target(1)
Shadow Arrow+1000

When: Attack(3)
Target: Target(1)
Curse of The Abyss+1