ID: 110260
Name: Sadera
Note: Waitress of the "The Stag's Head", though she was once an aristocrat and holds herself differently from the others. She is much respected by the owner of the hotel.
Description: "Stag's Head" Waitress
NPCText: Welcome, visitor! May I ask what you need?
QuestDoingText: Adventurer, how did you begin your journey?
I left the place where I grew up, and with my hopes and dreams embarked on my journey, but the path before me has been nothing less than a fierce gauntlet....
Porfear said there's no turning back, so I must find the right path ahead.
But I'm confused about the future, as well as about myself....
Type: normal(0)
Level: 0+-0
Speed: 0
Searchrange: 0
Followrange: 0
Respawn: 00:00:00
XP: 0
TP: 0
HP: 158
MP: 114
PATK: 30
PDEF: 30
MATK: 30
MDEF: 30