ID: 421842
NameThe Black Swordsman's Sword
DescriptionGo to [ZONE_SHADOWMOON COVE|Shadowmoon Cove], defeat [100337|Huck] and bring back the [203721|Decorated Long Sword], then report to [112211|Colobian Carter] in the camp on the east of the [ZONE_THRONE OF THE WIND|Throne of the Wind].
AcceptDetail...That's right, I have something else to ask of you... One final thing...
That long sword... The long sword taken from me... [100337|Huck] thinks it is the very sword once used by [101607|Black Swordsman]... The real [101607|Black Swordsman]...
I realize I can't defeat [100337|Huck] but that sword was used by a great hero of mine and I hope to get it back.
I entrust you with the task of journeying to [ZONE_SHADOWMOON COVE|Shadowmoon Cove], defeating [100337|Huck] and bringing back the [203721|Decorated Long Sword]!
Because...*hiccup*...basically I hope you can bring the sword straight back to our camp and give it to Uncle [112211|Colobian Carter]. I will ask him to give you a suitable reward for your trouble.
You do remember where our camp is right? It's to the east of the [ZONE_THRONE OF THE WIND|Throne of the Wind].
CompleteDetailSo this is the reward the boy wants me to give you, hmm? Take it!
Haha! About this long sword business.. Perhaps you think like that boy.. But due to certain personal factors I can't say anything to you.
But with fine young people such as yourselves in the world, the existence or otherwise of [101607|Black Swordsman] is no longer very important, wouldn't you say?
UnCompleteDetailI hear you saved our [112213|Miffy Riley] hey? Hahaha! You've saved me a lot of trouble recently!
XP: 172438 | Honor: 0 | TP: 1064 | Gold: 6747 |
repgroup1: 0 | rep1: 0 | repgroup2: 0 | rep2: 0 |
cointype: 0 | coin: 0 |
choice1: 1*Swordsman Energy Headscarf(223665) | item1: 1*(0) | spell1: (0) |
choice2: 1*Swordsman Sharp Hat(223666) | item2: 1*(0) | spell2: (0) |
choice3: 1*Swordsman Hero Helmet(223667) | item3: 1*(0) | spell3: (0) |
choice4: 1*Swordsman Battle Helmet(223668) | item4: 1*(0) | spell4: (0) |
choice5: 1*(0) | item5: 1*(0) | spell5: (0) |
Level(low/high): 50(48/58) | Loop: 0 | Prequest: (0) |
check1: 1*Saving Miffy(421841) |
check2: 1*(0) |
check3: 1*(0) |
check4: 1*(0) |
check5: 1*(0) |
item1: Get 1*Decorated Long Sword(203721) | kill1: 1*(0) |
item2: 1*(0) | kill2: 1*(0) |
item3: 1*(0) | kill3: 1*(0) |
item4: 1*(0) | kill4: 1*(0) |
item5: 1*(0) | kill5: 1*(0) |
item6: 1*(0) | |
item7: 1*(0) | money: 0 |
item8: 1*(0) | timer: 0 |
item9: 1*(0) | cointype: 0 |
item10: 1*(0) | coin: 0 |
accept_item1: 1*(0) |
accept_item2: 1*(0) |
accept_item3: 1*(0) |
accept_item4: 1*(0) |
accept_item5: 1*(0) |
Showquest: (0)Delete:
deleteitem1: 0*(0) |
deleteitem2: 0*(0) |
deleteitem3: 0*(0) |
deleteitem4: 0*(0) |
deleteitem5: 0*(0) |
clickitem1: (0) | procrate1: 0% | getitem1: 1*(0) |
clickitem2: (0) | procrate2: 100% | getitem2: 1*(0) |
clickitem3: (0) | procrate3: 100% | getitem3: 1*(0) |
clickitem4: (0) | procrate4: 100% | getitem4: 1*(0) |
clickitem5: (0) | procrate5: 100% | getitem5: 1*(0) |
clickitem6: (0) | procrate6: 100% | getitem6: 1*(0) |
clickitem7: (0) | procrate7: 100% | getitem7: 1*(0) |
clickitem8: (0) | procrate8: 100% | getitem8: 1*(0) |
clickitem9: (0) | procrate9: 100% | getitem9: 1*(0) |
clickitem10: (0) | procrate10: 100% | getitem10: 1*(0) |
kill1: Huck(100337) | procrate1: 100% | getitem1: 1*Decorated Long Sword(203721) |
kill2: (0) | procrate2: 100% | getitem2: 1*(0) |
kill3: (0) | procrate3: 100% | getitem3: 1*(0) |
kill4: (0) | procrate4: 100% | getitem4: 1*(0) |
kill5: (0) | procrate5: 100% | getitem5: 1*(0) |
kill6: (0) | procrate6: 100% | getitem6: 1*(0) |
kill7: (0) | procrate7: 100% | getitem7: 1*(0) |
kill8: (0) | procrate8: 100% | getitem8: 1*(0) |
kill9: (0) | procrate9: 100% | getitem9: 1*(0) |
kill10: (0) | procrate10: 100% | getitem10: 1*(0) |