ID: 422682


Additional Plans


Keep your guard up while in black snake camp and steal a bucket of [205920|Ankylar Oil] for [113487|Ganoda].

The investigation around the [ZONE_THE MOLTEN BRIDGE|Steel Bridge of Cremation] has come to a conclusion. All that is left is the report that was left in the camp by [102509|Black Snake General Mafrur]. I used information obtained via various methods and figured out...that there are a great number of Naga on either side of the [ZONE_THE MOLTEN BRIDGE|Steel Bridge of Cremation]...and their numbers are still increasing!

The Naga are somehow reproducing in great numbers and their military power is growing at a terrifying rate... The human armies wouldn't be able to get the upper hand in a direct assault...not to mention that they have a positional advantage.

Oh yeah, did [113488|William Hasem] tell you about the Scarlet Snake Bodyguard that went off on his own? I heard [102509|Black Snake General Mafrur's] name from him. Scouts on the front lines reported that the Scarlet Snakes are usually deployed at [ZONE_BLOODBOIL OUTPOST|Boiling Blood Outpost]. It's rare for one to come around here... After collecting the last few reports that we need, we can return to the camp to formulate the next strategy.

OK... [$PLAYERNAME]. First, we should think of a way to get the report from [102509|Mafrur's] camp. Uhm... Go to the Black Snake Camp and bring back a bucket of [205920|Ankylar Oil]. I have a plan, but I'm afraid that I can't do it by myself.

You look well, like the Naga didn't cause much difficulty for you.

They even treat members of their own race according to their military accomplishments, and I've never seen them actively express good will towards their Zurhidon allies. How could their co-operation with their partners be so poor...

This bucket of [205920|Ankylar Oil] that you brought back will be enough. I'll give you all the salve that I have left over. Protect yourself. Regardless if you think I make a fuss about nothing, I really don't want to see you harmed. You make me think of my hometown.

You don't look like somebody from the army. Could this be the reason that you always make me think of my family members back home...

Haha... You must think I'm quite strange! [113488|William Hasem] said I'm not like somebody from the army, but more like the grocer at the general store in his hometown.

OK... Don't waste time listening to me babble. After spending a long time in this hot, stuffy and dangerous place, I'm always in an uneasy mood, so I always say that I'm really happy to see you.

Hurry up and get me a bucket of [205920|Ankylar Oil], OK? We should bring some back to camp as soon as possible.


XP: 203495Honor: 0TP: 1357Gold: 4569
repgroup1: 0rep1: 0repgroup2: 0rep2: 0
cointype: 0coin: 0
choice1: 1*(0)item1: 1*(0)spell1: (0)
choice2: 1*(0)item2: 1*(0)spell2: (0)
choice3: 1*(0)item3: 1*(0)spell3: (0)
choice4: 1*(0)item4: 1*(0)spell4: (0)
choice5: 1*(0)item5: 1*(0)spell5: (0)


Level(low/high): 55(53/63)Loop: 0Prequest: (0)
check1: 1*Front Line Report(422681)
check2: 1*(0)
check3: 1*(0)
check4: 1*(0)
check5: 1*(0)


item1: Get 1*Ankylar Oil(205920)kill1: 1*(0)
item2: 1*(0)kill2: 1*(0)
item3: 1*(0)kill3: 1*(0)
item4: 1*(0)kill4: 1*(0)
item5: 1*(0)kill5: 1*(0)
item6: 1*(0)
item7: 1*(0)money: 0
item8: 1*(0)timer: 0
item9: 1*(0)cointype: 0
item10: 1*(0)coin: 0


accept_item1: 1*(0)
accept_item2: 1*(0)
accept_item3: 1*(0)
accept_item4: 1*(0)
accept_item5: 1*(0)


Showquest: (0)


deleteitem1: 0*(0)
deleteitem2: 0*(0)
deleteitem3: 0*(0)
deleteitem4: 0*(0)
deleteitem5: 0*(0)


clickitem1: Ankylar Oil(113515)procrate1: 100%getitem1: 1*(0)
clickitem2: (0)procrate2: 100%getitem2: 1*(0)
clickitem3: (0)procrate3: 100%getitem3: 1*(0)
clickitem4: (0)procrate4: 100%getitem4: 1*(0)
clickitem5: (0)procrate5: 100%getitem5: 1*(0)
clickitem6: (0)procrate6: 100%getitem6: 1*(0)
clickitem7: (0)procrate7: 100%getitem7: 1*(0)
clickitem8: (0)procrate8: 100%getitem8: 1*(0)
clickitem9: (0)procrate9: 100%getitem9: 1*(0)
clickitem10: (0)procrate10: 100%getitem10: 1*(0)
kill1: (0)procrate1: 100%getitem1: 1*(0)
kill2: (0)procrate2: 100%getitem2: 1*(0)
kill3: (0)procrate3: 100%getitem3: 1*(0)
kill4: (0)procrate4: 100%getitem4: 1*(0)
kill5: (0)procrate5: 100%getitem5: 1*(0)
kill6: (0)procrate6: 100%getitem6: 1*(0)
kill7: (0)procrate7: 100%getitem7: 1*(0)
kill8: (0)procrate8: 100%getitem8: 1*(0)
kill9: (0)procrate9: 100%getitem9: 1*(0)
kill10: (0)procrate10: 100%getitem10: 1*(0)


starter1: Ganoda(113487)taker: (0)questlink1: (0)
starter2: (0)tag: none(1)questlink2: (0)
starter3: (0)catalog: Steel Bridge of Cremation(189)questlink3: (0)
starter4: (0)team: 0questlink4: (0)
starter5: (0)type: 0; questlink5: (0)
questgroup: 0; grouplv: 0; controltype: 0;







