ID: 422722
NameBodo Materials
DescriptionAccording to the hint that [113304|Shedli Ise] gave you, search for the Bodos' [205840|Holy Object Barrack]. When you get it, bring it back to [113185|Sheelo Lance].
AcceptDetailBased on the description in the books, the Bodos of the [ZONE_SAVAGE LANDS|Savage Lands] worship a [205840|Holy Object Barrack]. This sacred object was also one of the materials.
But the Bodos don't have a very good relationship with humans. There's an Eye of Wisdom researcher that is researching a solution for this problem. His name is [113304|Shedli Ise]. You can go to [ZONE_CAMP WIGHT|Wayt Camp] to ask him about it.
You'll need to go through this step to make them voluntarily hand over the sacred object to you. We wouldn't agree with or have the power to steal it by force. You can only rely on yourself and keep your wits about you.
CompleteDetailYes... of all the materials, looks like the Bodos' sacred object is the most unusual.
But you still successfully brought it back. I have a misconception that... Seems that nothing can stop you?
UnCompleteDetailDid the Bodos agree to give you their sacred object?
XP: 196711 | Honor: 0 | TP: 1357 | Gold: 4569 |
repgroup1: 0 | rep1: 0 | repgroup2: 0 | rep2: 0 |
cointype: 0 | coin: 0 |
choice1: 1*Barrack Prayer Pants(225050) | item1: 1*(0) | spell1: (0) |
choice2: 1*Barrack Wave Leather Pants(225051) | item2: 1*(0) | spell2: (0) |
choice3: 1*Barrack Entanglement Chain Leg Guards(225052) | item3: 1*(0) | spell3: (0) |
choice4: 1*Barrack Contender Plate Leg Guards(225053) | item4: 1*(0) | spell4: (0) |
choice5: 1*(0) | item5: 1*(0) | spell5: (0) |
Level(low/high): 55(53/63) | Loop: 0 | Prequest: (0) |
check1: 1*Resource Management(422719) |
check2: 1*(0) |
check3: 1*(0) |
check4: 1*(0) |
check5: 1*(0) |
item1: 1*Holy Object Barrack(205840) | kill1: 1*(0) |
item2: 1*(0) | kill2: 1*(0) |
item3: 1*(0) | kill3: 1*(0) |
item4: 1*(0) | kill4: 1*(0) |
item5: 1*(0) | kill5: 1*(0) |
item6: 1*(0) | |
item7: 1*(0) | money: 0 |
item8: 1*(0) | timer: 0 |
item9: 1*(0) | cointype: 0 |
item10: 1*(0) | coin: 0 |
accept_item1: 1*(0) |
accept_item2: 1*(0) |
accept_item3: 1*(0) |
accept_item4: 1*(0) |
accept_item5: 1*(0) |
Showquest: (0)Delete:
deleteitem1: 0*(0) |
deleteitem2: 0*(0) |
deleteitem3: 0*(0) |
deleteitem4: 0*(0) |
deleteitem5: 0*(0) |
clickitem1: (0) | procrate1: 0% | getitem1: 1*(0) |
clickitem2: (0) | procrate2: 100% | getitem2: 1*(0) |
clickitem3: (0) | procrate3: 100% | getitem3: 1*(0) |
clickitem4: (0) | procrate4: 100% | getitem4: 1*(0) |
clickitem5: (0) | procrate5: 100% | getitem5: 1*(0) |
clickitem6: (0) | procrate6: 100% | getitem6: 1*(0) |
clickitem7: (0) | procrate7: 100% | getitem7: 1*(0) |
clickitem8: (0) | procrate8: 100% | getitem8: 1*(0) |
clickitem9: (0) | procrate9: 100% | getitem9: 1*(0) |
clickitem10: (0) | procrate10: 100% | getitem10: 1*(0) |
kill1: (0) | procrate1: 100% | getitem1: 1*(0) |
kill2: (0) | procrate2: 100% | getitem2: 1*(0) |
kill3: (0) | procrate3: 100% | getitem3: 1*(0) |
kill4: (0) | procrate4: 100% | getitem4: 1*(0) |
kill5: (0) | procrate5: 100% | getitem5: 1*(0) |
kill6: (0) | procrate6: 100% | getitem6: 1*(0) |
kill7: (0) | procrate7: 100% | getitem7: 1*(0) |
kill8: (0) | procrate8: 100% | getitem8: 1*(0) |
kill9: (0) | procrate9: 100% | getitem9: 1*(0) |
kill10: (0) | procrate10: 100% | getitem10: 1*(0) |
starter1: Sheelo Lance(113185) | taker: (0) | questlink1: (0) |
starter2: (0) | tag: none(1) | questlink2: (0) |
starter3: (0) | catalog: Savage Lands(162) | questlink3: (0) |
starter4: (0) | team: 0 | questlink4: (0) |
starter5: (0) | type: 0; | questlink5: (0) |
questgroup: 0; | grouplv: 0; | controltype: 0; |