ID: 423340


Elven Guerrillas


[115640|Nax] wants you to give the [207691|Midsummer Fruit] to [115644|Alisber], who is hiding somewhere in [ZONE_FOREST_SURVEYING_CAMP|Forest Survey Camp].

My struggles, and the Elves' cravings, have made me lose all sense of what's right and wrong, and I've let the situation get more and more out of hand.

Before, there were some Elves who disapproved of our people's addiction to Nature's Power, and they attempted to make [115636|Eliyar] change her mind. However this was all in vain, and they left [ZONE_JYRNA_SANCTUARY|Sanctuary of Jyr'na] out of frustration and sadness. [115637|Lafen's] father was one of the first Elves to leave. Just before his death, he ordered his children to return here to try and restore the Elves' pride, and to bring news of [115644|Alisber].

[115644|Alisber] was a close friend of the Elven King, and he was also the first to realize the changes that were coming over him. When he was unable to persuade [115636|Eliyar] to change her mind he took it very personally, and left the forest in anger.

He never approved of my actions either, because he thought I was acting above my station. When [115637|Lafen] returned, we once again requested his assistance to restore the forest to its original state.

There's not much time left... [$PLAYERNAME], could you please go to the [ZONE_FOREST_SURVEYING_CAMP|Forest Survey Camp] and give this [207691|Midsummer Fruit] to [115644|Alisber]? When he sees it, he will understand.

[207691|Midsummer Fruit]... and the marks on your body... And you say it was the incarnation of [115635|Nax the Holy Tree] who gave you this?

So, it's finally come to this after all these years? It's the fault of [115635|Nax the Holy Tree], and it's my people's fault as well.

The Holy Elven King must be pained by this, by his people's fall from grace and their descent into darkness... What glory do my people have left to speak of now?

A [207691|Midsummer Fruit]? Where is it then?


XP: 323644Honor: 0TP: 1703Gold: 7274
repgroup1: 0rep1: 0repgroup2: 0rep2: 0
cointype: 0coin: 0
choice1: 1*(0)item1: 1*(0)spell1: (0)
choice2: 1*(0)item2: 1*(0)spell2: (0)
choice3: 1*(0)item3: 1*(0)spell3: (0)
choice4: 1*(0)item4: 1*(0)spell4: (0)
choice5: 1*(0)item5: 1*(0)spell5: (0)


Level(low/high): 59(56/99)Loop: 0Prequest: (0)
check1: 1*Something Amiss In The Forest(423339)
check2: 1*(0)
check3: 1*(0)
check4: 1*(0)
check5: 1*(0)


item1: 1*Midsummer Fruit(207691)kill1: 1*(0)
item2: 1*(0)kill2: 1*(0)
item3: 1*(0)kill3: 1*(0)
item4: 1*(0)kill4: 1*(0)
item5: 1*(0)kill5: 1*(0)
item6: 1*(0)
item7: 1*(0)money: 0
item8: 1*(0)timer: 0
item9: 1*(0)cointype: 0
item10: 1*(0)coin: 0


accept_item1: 1*Midsummer Fruit(207691)
accept_item2: 1*(0)
accept_item3: 1*(0)
accept_item4: 1*(0)
accept_item5: 1*(0)


Showquest: Upholding Dignity(423341)


deleteitem1: 0*Midsummer Fruit(207691)
deleteitem2: 0*(0)
deleteitem3: 0*(0)
deleteitem4: 0*(0)
deleteitem5: 0*(0)


clickitem1: (0)procrate1: 0%getitem1: 1*(0)
clickitem2: (0)procrate2: 100%getitem2: 1*(0)
clickitem3: (0)procrate3: 100%getitem3: 1*(0)
clickitem4: (0)procrate4: 100%getitem4: 1*(0)
clickitem5: (0)procrate5: 100%getitem5: 1*(0)
clickitem6: (0)procrate6: 100%getitem6: 1*(0)
clickitem7: (0)procrate7: 100%getitem7: 1*(0)
clickitem8: (0)procrate8: 100%getitem8: 1*(0)
clickitem9: (0)procrate9: 100%getitem9: 1*(0)
clickitem10: (0)procrate10: 100%getitem10: 1*(0)
kill1: (0)procrate1: 100%getitem1: 1*(0)
kill2: (0)procrate2: 100%getitem2: 1*(0)
kill3: (0)procrate3: 100%getitem3: 1*(0)
kill4: (0)procrate4: 100%getitem4: 1*(0)
kill5: (0)procrate5: 100%getitem5: 1*(0)
kill6: (0)procrate6: 100%getitem6: 1*(0)
kill7: (0)procrate7: 100%getitem7: 1*(0)
kill8: (0)procrate8: 100%getitem8: 1*(0)
kill9: (0)procrate9: 100%getitem9: 1*(0)
kill10: (0)procrate10: 100%getitem10: 1*(0)


starter1: Nax(115640)taker: Alisber(115644)questlink1: (0)
starter2: (0)tag: EpicStory5(109)questlink2: (0)
starter3: (0)catalog: (Epic) The Degenerated Elves(211)questlink3: (0)
starter4: (0)team: 0questlink4: (0)
starter5: (0)type: 0; questlink5: (0)
questgroup: 0; grouplv: 0; controltype: 0;







