ID: 424364


Who is Axel?


Determine [118603|Axel Kaiyinth's] identity and goals.

Allow me to give you a proper introduction. I am [118603|Axel Kaiyinth], and my brother [114529|Kai Kaiyinth] is just like you, a knight in the [LION_HEART|Lionheart Knights]. I on the other hand am just a "petty mercenary" and nothing more.

My brother, what a guy! This time he has me "yet again" out here gathering some intelligence for him. He also wants me to see to it that you're taken care of...By the looks of it though, you don't seem to be the type who needs any babysitting. But hark, my brother pleaded and pleaded, so I just can't go ignoring what the guy wants. Just think of me as a helper who's come to assist in resolving that problem that plagues these two kingdoms! Oh, and I'll never once get in your way, hehe!

This place has no shortage of crazy stuff going on. Let's get down to it and exchange information to see what each other knows.

That's the way it is, my brother is always getting me to help him with this kind of stuff. You master knights are always so flashy...You don't know how to keep things on the down low. You guys manage to make investigating a missing cat a dangerous and impossible affair. Going on like that is doomed to fail and you may as well not even try! Good thing I'm a rootless adventurer with mercenary savvy, or else who would come bail you lot out and do all of the dirty work!

This kind of investigation means we don't get to run around making a big stink and drawing people's attention. It's actually pretty boring when you get down to it!



XP: 618071Honor: 0TP: 2248Gold: 14963
repgroup1: 0rep1: 0repgroup2: 0rep2: 0
cointype: 0coin: 0
choice1: 1*(0)item1: 1*(0)spell1: (0)
choice2: 1*(0)item2: 1*(0)spell2: (0)
choice3: 1*(0)item3: 1*(0)spell3: (0)
choice4: 1*(0)item4: 1*(0)spell4: (0)
choice5: 1*(0)item5: 1*(0)spell5: (0)


Level(low/high): 66(64/74)Loop: 0Prequest: (0)
check1: 1*Findings in Lipuden Valley(424363)
check2: 1*(0)
check3: 1*(0)
check4: 1*(0)
check5: 1*(0)


item1: 1*(0)kill1: 1*(0)
item2: 1*(0)kill2: 1*(0)
item3: 1*(0)kill3: 1*(0)
item4: 1*(0)kill4: 1*(0)
item5: 1*(0)kill5: 1*(0)
item6: 1*(0)
item7: 1*(0)money: 0
item8: 1*(0)timer: 0
item9: 1*(0)cointype: 0
item10: 1*(0)coin: 0


accept_item1: 1*(0)
accept_item2: 1*(0)
accept_item3: 1*(0)
accept_item4: 1*(0)
accept_item5: 1*(0)


Showquest: Interrogate Them!(424365)


deleteitem1: 0*(0)
deleteitem2: 0*(0)
deleteitem3: 0*(0)
deleteitem4: 0*(0)
deleteitem5: 0*(0)


clickitem1: (0)procrate1: 0%getitem1: 1*(0)
clickitem2: (0)procrate2: 100%getitem2: 1*(0)
clickitem3: (0)procrate3: 100%getitem3: 1*(0)
clickitem4: (0)procrate4: 100%getitem4: 1*(0)
clickitem5: (0)procrate5: 100%getitem5: 1*(0)
clickitem6: (0)procrate6: 100%getitem6: 1*(0)
clickitem7: (0)procrate7: 100%getitem7: 1*(0)
clickitem8: (0)procrate8: 100%getitem8: 1*(0)
clickitem9: (0)procrate9: 100%getitem9: 1*(0)
clickitem10: (0)procrate10: 100%getitem10: 1*(0)
kill1: (0)procrate1: 100%getitem1: 1*(0)
kill2: (0)procrate2: 100%getitem2: 1*(0)
kill3: (0)procrate3: 100%getitem3: 1*(0)
kill4: (0)procrate4: 100%getitem4: 1*(0)
kill5: (0)procrate5: 100%getitem5: 1*(0)
kill6: (0)procrate6: 100%getitem6: 1*(0)
kill7: (0)procrate7: 100%getitem7: 1*(0)
kill8: (0)procrate8: 100%getitem8: 1*(0)
kill9: (0)procrate9: 100%getitem9: 1*(0)
kill10: (0)procrate10: 100%getitem10: 1*(0)


starter1: Axel Kaiyinth(118603)taker: (0)questlink1: (0)
starter2: (0)tag: z20-Redhills(125)questlink2: (0)
starter3: (0)catalog: Magical Reconstruction(220)questlink3: (0)
starter4: (0)team: 0questlink4: (0)
starter5: (0)type: 0; questlink5: (0)
questgroup: 0; grouplv: 0; controltype: 0;







