ID: 425381
NameFalse Trail
DescriptionPlant [<S>209468|Lost Seeds] in the [121059|Soft Earth] that lines the road to the [ZONE_BLOODY_BATTLEGROUNDS|Bloody Battlefield]. The [<S>209468|Lost Seeds] can help make [SC_BAD_ANT_01|Kulech] lose their bearings, directing them to a battlefield where the Alliance has the upper hand.
AcceptDetailFighting requires an enemy, but winning takes friends. I think you know what I'm saying, [$playername].
Take these [<S>209468|Lost Seeds] and plant them in [121059|Soft Earth] on the road leading to the Bloody Battlefield. That should really mess with the [SC_BAD_ANT_01|Kulech's] mental maps!
CompleteDetailLead the [SC_BAD_ANT_01|Kulech] towards the [ZONE_BLOODY_BATTLEGROUNDS|Bloody Battlefield]. Our comrades on the [ZONE_BLOODY_BATTLEGROUNDS|Bloody Battlefield] won't like it, but our numbers are too few, we don't have any choice...
Our warriors on the [ZONE_BLOODY_BATTLEGROUNDS|Bloody Battlefield] are formidable fighters and well-equipped...may the Holy King watch over them. Now let's do our duty and bring this brutal war to an end!
UnCompleteDetail[Sys425353_szquest_uncomplete_detail|It's a race against time. Whether or not we can run our sword through the heart of the enemy depends on us!]
XP: 0 | Honor: 0 | TP: 3085 | Gold: 0 |
repgroup1: 0 | rep1: 0 | repgroup2: 0 | rep2: 0 |
cointype: 0 | coin: 0 |
choice1: 1*(0) | item1: 70*Public Event Points(545752) | spell1: (0) |
choice2: 1*(0) | item2: 1*(0) | spell2: (0) |
choice3: 1*(0) | item3: 1*(0) | spell3: (0) |
choice4: 1*(0) | item4: 1*(0) | spell4: (0) |
choice5: 1*(0) | item5: 1*(0) | spell5: (0) |
Level(low/high): 74(72/82) | Loop: 1 | Prequest: (0) |
check1: 1*Rebuilding Defenses(425359) |
check2: 1*(0) |
check3: 1*(0) |
check4: 1*(0) |
check5: 1*(0) |
item1: 1*(0) | kill1: 4*Successfully Planted Lost Seed(106739) |
item2: 1*(0) | kill2: 1*(0) |
item3: 1*(0) | kill3: 1*(0) |
item4: 1*(0) | kill4: 1*(0) |
item5: 1*(0) | kill5: 1*(0) |
item6: 1*(0) | |
item7: 1*(0) | money: 0 |
item8: 1*(0) | timer: 0 |
item9: 1*(0) | cointype: 0 |
item10: 1*(0) | coin: 0 |
clickitem1: Soft Earth(121059) | procrate1: 100% | getitem1: 1*(546066) |
clickitem2: (0) | procrate2: 100% | getitem2: 1*(0) |
clickitem3: (0) | procrate3: 100% | getitem3: 1*(0) |
clickitem4: (0) | procrate4: 100% | getitem4: 1*(0) |
clickitem5: (0) | procrate5: 100% | getitem5: 1*(0) |
clickitem6: (0) | procrate6: 100% | getitem6: 1*(0) |
clickitem7: (0) | procrate7: 100% | getitem7: 1*(0) |
clickitem8: (0) | procrate8: 100% | getitem8: 1*(0) |
clickitem9: (0) | procrate9: 100% | getitem9: 1*(0) |
clickitem10: (0) | procrate10: 100% | getitem10: 1*(0) |
kill1: (0) | procrate1: 100% | getitem1: 1*(0) |
kill2: (0) | procrate2: 100% | getitem2: 1*(0) |
kill3: (0) | procrate3: 100% | getitem3: 1*(0) |
kill4: (0) | procrate4: 100% | getitem4: 1*(0) |
kill5: (0) | procrate5: 100% | getitem5: 1*(0) |
kill6: (0) | procrate6: 100% | getitem6: 1*(0) |
kill7: (0) | procrate7: 100% | getitem7: 1*(0) |
kill8: (0) | procrate8: 100% | getitem8: 1*(0) |
kill9: (0) | procrate9: 100% | getitem9: 1*(0) |
kill10: (0) | procrate10: 100% | getitem10: 1*(0) |