ID: 427481
NameBattle with the Minotaur Warlord
DescriptionFight your way to the Altar of the Frigid Wastelands and do battle with [109378|Herfniak]. If your mission succeeds, go meet [124396|Aydan Highlander] at the entrance to the [ZONE_FROSTSABER_UPLAND|Ice Blade Plateau].
AcceptDetailI want to press on to [ZONE_FROSTSABER_UPLAND|Ice Blade Plateau]. That means that first I need to gain access to the [ZONE_THE_PEAK|Snow Fortress].
From [124392|Northin] we found out that Cibel is at the Altar of the Frigid Wasteland, where the [ZONE_THE_PEAK|Snow Fortress] accesses the [ZONE_FROSTSABER_UPLAND|Ice Blade Plateau]. After the high priest [100049|Nasqtas] went to [ZONE_FROSTSABER_UPLAND|Ice Blade Plateau], after receiving the oracle's prophecy, [109378|Herfniak] took over the defense of the altar. That means that we have to deal with him first if we want to get to Cibel.
I will lead our people from the [HAND_OF_BALANCE|Hand of Balance] so that they disrupt the Minotaurs defenses. Please use the opportunity to eliminate [109378|Herfniak]. If our mission succeeds, we'll meet at the entrance to the [ZONE_FROSTSABER_UPLAND|Ice Blade Plateau].
CompleteDetailExcellent. Thank you for taking on this quest for us. Even if we cannot prevent a counter-attack by the Minotaurs, the [HAND_OF_BALANCE|Hand of Balance] nevertheless has the situation under control.
UnCompleteDetailI will lead our people from the [HAND_OF_BALANCE|Hand of Balance] to disrupt the Minotaurs' defenses. Please use the opportunity to eliminate [109378|Herfniak]. If our mission succeeds, we'll meet at the entrance to the [ZONE_FROSTSABER_UPLAND|Ice Blade Plateau].
XP: 3736908 | Honor: 0 | TP: 8304 | Gold: 111942 |
repgroup1: 0 | rep1: 0 | repgroup2: 0 | rep2: 0 |
cointype: 0 | coin: 0 |
choice1: 1*(0) | item1: 1*The Herald(530230) | spell1: (0) |
choice2: 1*(0) | item2: 1*(0) | spell2: (0) |
choice3: 1*(0) | item3: 1*(0) | spell3: (0) |
choice4: 1*(0) | item4: 1*(0) | spell4: (0) |
choice5: 1*(0) | item5: 1*(0) | spell5: (0) |
Level(low/high): 99(97/107) | Loop: 0 | Prequest: (0) |
check1: 1*The Truth about the Displacement Spell(427480) |
check2: 1*(0) |
check3: 1*(0) |
check4: 1*(0) |
check5: 1*(0) |
item1: 1*(0) | kill1: Defeat 1*Herfniak(109378) |
item2: 1*(0) | kill2: 1*(0) |
item3: 1*(0) | kill3: 1*(0) |
item4: 1*(0) | kill4: 1*(0) |
item5: 1*(0) | kill5: 1*(0) |
item6: 1*(0) | |
item7: 1*(0) | money: 0 |
item8: 1*(0) | timer: 0 |
item9: 1*(0) | cointype: 0 |
item10: 1*(0) | coin: 0 |
clickitem1: (0) | procrate1: 0% | getitem1: 1*(0) |
clickitem2: (0) | procrate2: 100% | getitem2: 1*(0) |
clickitem3: (0) | procrate3: 100% | getitem3: 1*(0) |
clickitem4: (0) | procrate4: 100% | getitem4: 1*(0) |
clickitem5: (0) | procrate5: 100% | getitem5: 1*(0) |
clickitem6: (0) | procrate6: 100% | getitem6: 1*(0) |
clickitem7: (0) | procrate7: 100% | getitem7: 1*(0) |
clickitem8: (0) | procrate8: 100% | getitem8: 1*(0) |
clickitem9: (0) | procrate9: 100% | getitem9: 1*(0) |
clickitem10: (0) | procrate10: 100% | getitem10: 1*(0) |
kill1: Herfniak(109378) | procrate1: 100% | getitem1: 1*(549400) |
kill2: (0) | procrate2: 100% | getitem2: 1*(0) |
kill3: (0) | procrate3: 100% | getitem3: 1*(0) |
kill4: (0) | procrate4: 100% | getitem4: 1*(0) |
kill5: (0) | procrate5: 100% | getitem5: 1*(0) |
kill6: (0) | procrate6: 100% | getitem6: 1*(0) |
kill7: (0) | procrate7: 100% | getitem7: 1*(0) |
kill8: (0) | procrate8: 100% | getitem8: 1*(0) |
kill9: (0) | procrate9: 100% | getitem9: 1*(0) |
kill10: (0) | procrate10: 100% | getitem10: 1*(0) |
starter1: Aydan Highlander(124393) | taker: Aydan Highlander(124396) | questlink1: (0) |
starter2: (0) | tag: z35-KorrisIsland(142) | questlink2: (0) |
starter3: (0) | catalog: The Spirits of Despair(253) | questlink3: (0) |
starter4: (0) | team: 0 | questlink4: (0) |
starter5: (0) | type: 0; | questlink5: (0) |
questgroup: 0; | grouplv: 0; | controltype: 0; |