ID: 427962
NameMagic Wall Clock
Description[125025|Pierrot Raischt] from [ZONE_STERNHORN_VILLAGE|Sternhorn] would like you to get [244529|Ancient Magic Essence] from the bodies of the [103549|Milasso Gulos] in the [ZONE_MILASSO_FOREST|Milasso Forest]. Afterwards, you should go to the [ZONE_DAELANIS_ALLEY|Dalanis Dimlane District] in order to buy an [244530|Old Desk Clock] from the [114438|Bartender] in the Night Bar there.
(The Night Bar is located in the deepest corner of the [ZONE_DAELANIS_ALLEY|Dalanis Dimlane District]. You'll have to go past the [114416|bodyguards] and down the stairs to find the [114438|Bartender].)
AcceptDetailNormal [244528|Clock Fragments] can't be transformed into a [DIR_TAGID_002|Snowflake Festival] Desk Clock... It just doesn't work, I'm afraid...
Perhaps we could ask the [103549|Milasso Gulos] in the [ZONE_MILASSO_FOREST|Milasso Forest] for help! Some of the [103549|Milasso Gulos'] bodies still carry remnants of [244529|Ancient Magic Essence]. We can use that to infuse the [244528|Clock Fragments] with magic again!
Ah! And we need to find a suitable Desk Clock. There's only one person I know who might be able to help us in such an urgent matter... the [114438|Bartender] at the Night Bar in the [ZONE_DAELANIS_ALLEY|Dalanis Dimlane District]. He's bound to have some advice. Here, take [244527|Some Gold Coins] with you. You'll surely need them.
CompleteDetailPerfect, that's just what I need! I am eternally grateful!
I'll deal with that good-for-nothing [125014|Charlie Borz] later! I have more important things to attend to right now...
You can get [244529|Ancient Magic Essence] from the [103549|Milasso Gulos] in the [ZONE_MILASSO_FOREST|Milasso Forest] who carry it on their bodies. Only some of the [103549|Milasso Gulos] have the essence, so you need to look carefully.
Time is of the essence! You can only get an [244530|Old Desk Clock] from the [114438|Bartender] in the [ZONE_DAELANIS_ALLEY|Dalanis Dimlane District]. He won't give it to you for free, though, so you'll need [244527|Some Gold Coins]...
XP: 12 | Honor: 0 | TP: 0 | Gold: 25 |
repgroup1: 0 | rep1: 0 | repgroup2: 0 | rep2: 0 |
cointype: 0 | coin: 0 |
choice1: 1*(0) | item1: 1*Goody-Goody Certificate(206437) | spell1: (0) |
choice2: 1*(0) | item2: 1*(0) | spell2: (0) |
choice3: 1*(0) | item3: 1*(0) | spell3: (0) |
choice4: 1*(0) | item4: 1*(0) | spell4: (0) |
choice5: 1*(0) | item5: 1*(0) | spell5: (0) |
accept_item1: 1*Some Gold Coins(244527) |
accept_item2: 1*(0) |
accept_item3: 1*(0) |
accept_item4: 1*(0) |
accept_item5: 1*(0) |
Showquest: (0)Delete:
deleteitem1: 1*Some Gold Coins(244527) |
deleteitem2: 1*Ancient Magic Essence(244529) |
deleteitem3: 1*Old Desk Clock(244530) |
deleteitem4: 1*(549973) |
deleteitem5: 1*(549974) |
clickitem1: (0) | procrate1: 100% | getitem1: 1*(0) |
clickitem2: (0) | procrate2: 100% | getitem2: 1*(0) |
clickitem3: (0) | procrate3: 100% | getitem3: 1*(0) |
clickitem4: (0) | procrate4: 100% | getitem4: 1*(0) |
clickitem5: (0) | procrate5: 100% | getitem5: 1*(0) |
clickitem6: (0) | procrate6: 100% | getitem6: 1*(0) |
clickitem7: (0) | procrate7: 100% | getitem7: 1*(0) |
clickitem8: (0) | procrate8: 100% | getitem8: 1*(0) |
clickitem9: (0) | procrate9: 100% | getitem9: 1*(0) |
clickitem10: (0) | procrate10: 100% | getitem10: 1*(0) |
kill1: Milasso Gulo(103549) | procrate1: 20% | getitem1: 1*Ancient Magic Essence(244529) |
kill2: (0) | procrate2: 100% | getitem2: 1*(0) |
kill3: (0) | procrate3: 100% | getitem3: 1*(0) |
kill4: (0) | procrate4: 100% | getitem4: 1*(0) |
kill5: (0) | procrate5: 100% | getitem5: 1*(0) |
kill6: (0) | procrate6: 100% | getitem6: 1*(0) |
kill7: (0) | procrate7: 100% | getitem7: 1*(0) |
kill8: (0) | procrate8: 100% | getitem8: 1*(0) |
kill9: (0) | procrate9: 100% | getitem9: 1*(0) |
kill10: (0) | procrate10: 100% | getitem10: 1*(0) |
starter1: Pierrot Raischt(125011) | taker: (0) | questlink1: Bartender(114438) |
starter2: (0) | tag: E:Snowflake(2) | questlink2: Old Desk Clock(125010) |
starter3: (0) | catalog: Festival Event(243) | questlink3: (0) |
starter4: (0) | team: 0 | questlink4: (0) |
starter5: (0) | type: 0; | questlink5: (0) |
questgroup: 0; | grouplv: 0; | controltype: 0; |