ID: 530225

guid: 530225
classification: 8
outputlanguage: -1
name: Spatial Magic Guru?
name_plural: 0
imageid: 803966
imagebackup: 0
maxheap: 0
note: [106210|Mazzren] uses spatial magic to summon Devourers to his aid, but he can't summon the most powerful of them. Instead he has no other choice than to help them into formation himself. Whoever manages to defeat [106210|Mazzren] will obtain this title.
shortnote: 0
mode: 1
pricestype: 0
selltype: 0
cost: 0
buyunit: 0
revivetime: 0
rare: 4
generaterate: 0
maxworldcount: 0
limitvoc: 0
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limitsex: 0
limitlv: 0
limitstr: 0
limitsta: 0
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limitmnd: 0
limitagi: 0
livetimetype: 0
livetime: 0
acsearchtype0: 0
acsearchtype1: 0
acsearchtype2: 0
itemeqtype: 0
specialmoneycost: 0
itagid: 0
type: 0
famous: 0
mainjob: -1
mainjoblv: 0
subjob: -1
subjoblv: 0
killcount_type: 0
killcount_killgroup: -1
killcount_count: 0
eqtype1: 0
eqtype2: 0
eqtype3: 0
eqtype4: 0
eqtype5: 0
eqtype6: 0
eqtype7: 0
eqtype8: 0
eqtype9: 0
eqtype10: 0
eqtypevalue1: 0
eqtypevalue2: 0
eqtypevalue3: 0
eqtypevalue4: 0
eqtypevalue5: 0
eqtypevalue6: 0
eqtypevalue7: 0
eqtypevalue8: 0
eqtypevalue9: 0
eqtypevalue10: 0
eqtypeonattackmagicrate: 10
eqtypeonattackmagicrank: 0
eqtypeonattackmagicid: 0
skillid: 0
skilllv: 0
classify1: 1
classify2: 1
exeqtype1: 18
exeqtype2: 12
exeqtype3: 0
exeqtype4: 0
exeqtype5: 0
exeqtype6: 0
exeqtype7: 0
exeqtype8: 0
exeqtype9: 0
exeqtype10: 0
exeqtypevalue1: 162
exeqtypevalue2: 540
exeqtypevalue3: 0
exeqtypevalue4: 0
exeqtypevalue5: 0
exeqtypevalue6: 0
exeqtypevalue7: 0
exeqtypevalue8: 0
exeqtypevalue9: 0
exeqtypevalue10: 0
exeqtypeonattackmagicrate: 0
eqtypeonattackmagicrank2: 0
eqtypeonattackmagicid2: 0
titlesysnote: 0
mode_PreViewTitle: 1
limitvoc_GM: 0
limitvoc_WARRIOR: 0
limitvoc_RANGER: 0
limitvoc_THIEF: 0
limitvoc_MAGE: 0
limitvoc_AUGUR: 0
limitvoc_KNIGHT: 0
limitvoc_WARDEN: 0
limitvoc_DRUID: 0
limitvoc_HARPSYN: 0
limitvoc_PSYRON: 0
limitvoc_DUELIST: 0
limitvoc_unk12: 0
limitvoc_unk13: 0
limitvoc_unk14: 0
limitvoc_unk15: 0
limitvoc_unk16: 0
limitvoc_unk17: 0
limitrace_Race0: 0
limitrace_Race1: 0
limitrace_Race2: 0
limitrace_Race3: 0
limitrace_Race4: 0
limitrace_Race5: 0
limitrace_Race6: 0
limitrace_Race7: 0
limitrace_Race8: 0
limitrace_Race9: 0
limitsex_Male: 0
limitsex_Female: 0
limitsex_Unknown: 0
itemeqtype_Unarmed: 0
itemeqtype_Blade: 0
itemeqtype_Dagger: 0
itemeqtype_Wand: 0
itemeqtype_Axe: 0
itemeqtype_Bludgeon: 0
itemeqtype_Claymore: 0
itemeqtype_Staff: 0
itemeqtype_Axe_2H: 0
itemeqtype_Hammer_2H: 0
itemeqtype_Polearm: 0
itemeqtype_Bow: 0
itemeqtype_CossBow: 0
itemeqtype_Gun: 0
itemeqtype_Throw: 0
itemeqtype_HeavyArmed: 0
itemeqtype_LightArmed: 0
itemeqtype_Leather: 0
itemeqtype_Clothes: 0
itemeqtype_Robe: 0
itemeqtype_Shield: 0
itemeqtype_Implement: 0
itemeqtype_SecondHand: 0
url: interface/icons/boss_skill/skill_boss_skill_165.png