ID: 530761

guid: 530761
classification: 8
outputlanguage: -1
name: The Verse of Her Last Song
name_plural: 0
imageid: 572752
imagebackup: 0
maxheap: 0
note: During the Fairy Tale Event, collect the three story elements,

[507289|Story Element: Innocent Girl]


[507294|Story Element: Valuable Treasure]


[507302|Story Element: Betrayal/False Object]

and then use the

[240607|Old Magic Storybook]

shortnote: 0
mode: 0
pricestype: 0
selltype: 0
cost: 0
buyunit: 0
revivetime: 0
rare: 0
generaterate: 0
maxworldcount: 0
limitvoc: 0
limitrace: 0
limitsex: 0
limitlv: 0
limitstr: 0
limitsta: 0
limitint: 0
limitmnd: 0
limitagi: 0
livetimetype: 0
livetime: 0
acsearchtype0: 0
acsearchtype1: 0
acsearchtype2: 0
itemeqtype: 0
specialmoneycost: 0
itagid: 0
type: 0
famous: 0
mainjob: -1
mainjoblv: 0
subjob: -1
subjoblv: 0
killcount_type: 0
killcount_killgroup: -1
killcount_count: 0
eqtype1: 0
eqtype2: 0
eqtype3: 0
eqtype4: 0
eqtype5: 0
eqtype6: 0
eqtype7: 0
eqtype8: 0
eqtype9: 0
eqtype10: 0
eqtypevalue1: 0
eqtypevalue2: 0
eqtypevalue3: 0
eqtypevalue4: 0
eqtypevalue5: 0
eqtypevalue6: 0
eqtypevalue7: 0
eqtypevalue8: 0
eqtypevalue9: 0
eqtypevalue10: 0
eqtypeonattackmagicrate: 10
eqtypeonattackmagicrank: 0
eqtypeonattackmagicid: 0
skillid: 0
skilllv: 0
classify1: 4
classify2: 1
exeqtype1: 0
exeqtype2: 0
exeqtype3: 0
exeqtype4: 0
exeqtype5: 0
exeqtype6: 0
exeqtype7: 0
exeqtype8: 0
exeqtype9: 0
exeqtype10: 0
exeqtypevalue1: 0
exeqtypevalue2: 0
exeqtypevalue3: 0
exeqtypevalue4: 0
exeqtypevalue5: 0
exeqtypevalue6: 0
exeqtypevalue7: 0
exeqtypevalue8: 0
exeqtypevalue9: 0
exeqtypevalue10: 0
exeqtypeonattackmagicrate: 0
eqtypeonattackmagicrank2: 0
eqtypeonattackmagicid2: 0
titlesysnote: 0
mode_PreViewTitle: 0
limitvoc_GM: 0
limitvoc_WARRIOR: 0
limitvoc_RANGER: 0
limitvoc_THIEF: 0
limitvoc_MAGE: 0
limitvoc_AUGUR: 0
limitvoc_KNIGHT: 0
limitvoc_WARDEN: 0
limitvoc_DRUID: 0
limitvoc_HARPSYN: 0
limitvoc_PSYRON: 0
limitvoc_DUELIST: 0
limitvoc_unk12: 0
limitvoc_unk13: 0
limitvoc_unk14: 0
limitvoc_unk15: 0
limitvoc_unk16: 0
limitvoc_unk17: 0
limitrace_Race0: 0
limitrace_Race1: 0
limitrace_Race2: 0
limitrace_Race3: 0
limitrace_Race4: 0
limitrace_Race5: 0
limitrace_Race6: 0
limitrace_Race7: 0
limitrace_Race8: 0
limitrace_Race9: 0
limitsex_Male: 0
limitsex_Female: 0
limitsex_Unknown: 0
itemeqtype_Unarmed: 0
itemeqtype_Blade: 0
itemeqtype_Dagger: 0
itemeqtype_Wand: 0
itemeqtype_Axe: 0
itemeqtype_Bludgeon: 0
itemeqtype_Claymore: 0
itemeqtype_Staff: 0
itemeqtype_Axe_2H: 0
itemeqtype_Hammer_2H: 0
itemeqtype_Polearm: 0
itemeqtype_Bow: 0
itemeqtype_CossBow: 0
itemeqtype_Gun: 0
itemeqtype_Throw: 0
itemeqtype_HeavyArmed: 0
itemeqtype_LightArmed: 0
itemeqtype_Leather: 0
itemeqtype_Clothes: 0
itemeqtype_Robe: 0
itemeqtype_Shield: 0
itemeqtype_Implement: 0
itemeqtype_SecondHand: 0
url: interface/icons/quest_book08.png